Now showing items 2373-2392 of 3847

    • Kaymu Bangladesh 

      Jahan, Ifrat (BRAC University, 2015-12)
      This paper examines the prospect of Kaymu Bangladesh in the Bangladeshi e-commerce industry. This paper looks into the e-commerce industry in the Bangladesh, introduces Kaymu and it's business model, compares it with ...
    • Kaymu Bangladesh 

      Alam, Asraful (BRAC University, 2015-04-18)
      In this internship report I have tried to explain how Kaymu Bangladesh actually works as service organization and as an online marketplace in Bangladesh. Kaymu Bangladesh is a venture of worldly renowned organization, ...
    • Kaymu Bangladesh as an E-commerce site and the activities of its key account management 

      Hossain, Jubair (BRAC University, 2015-12-07)
      This is the era of Internet and E-Commerce. Our lives and livings rely heavily on the internet. In this report I have tried to expose the overall e-commerce industry of Bangladesh and the impact of Key Account Management ...
    • Kazi Farms Kitchen (KFK) project of Interspeed Advertisement Ltd. 

      Masrur, Arshad Ahmed (BRAC University, 2015-08-20)
      In this report I have covered the job responsibilities that I have full filled as well as the work that I Have assisted in. I had worked on many projects however the one where I have worked the most is that of Kazi Farms ...
    • Keeping the shape of the organization by adequate HR initiatives: Agrani Bank Limited 

      Rajo, Md. Abu Naser (Brac University, 2022-06)
      The Agrani Bank Limited was the site of my internship, and the basis for my report was my time there. Agrani Bank Limited is a government-sanctioned bank. Since its foundation, the bank has been engaged in commercial ...
    • Key Account Management practices in Robi Axiata Limited 

      Tasnim, Jarin (Brac University, 2022-06)
      Robi Axiata Limited is one of the largest telecommunication companies of our country. In this report, I have done a thorough analysis regarding how the key account management is practiced in Robi Axiata Ltd. I worked ...
    • Key factors for Kazi Farms Kitchen to achieve leadership of the frozen (processed) food industry 

      Mohaimeen, Sadik (BRAC University, 2018-08)
      Frozen (processed) food industry in Bangladesh is growing day by day at a rapid pace as the demand for “ready to cook” convenience food is increasing. The advent of nuclear family with working parents in Bangladesh is ...
    • The key factors influencing talent development in this competitive digital age and recommendations for Robi Axiata Limited. 

      Arnob, Rafid Hasan (Brac University, 2020-01)
      Talent Development is a vital necessity for any organization in this modern age as it can be a source of competitive advantage for the company to grow. With the advancement of technology and globalization, there are ...
    • Key HR practices & employer branding activities at Syngenta Bangladesh Ltd. 

      Promee, Nazifa Tasnim (Brac University, 2022-09)
      Key HR practice and employer branding are really important functions of HR. to ensure employee engagement in organization HR practice does a vital role. It keeps the employees motivated towards the work. Besides, ...
    • Key investment criteria of Prime Bank Investment Limited 

      Rahman Firat, Nahiyan (Brac University, 2024-04)
      This internship report is based on the insights, knowledge and experiences I have gathered as an intern at the Research and Business Development Department of Prime Bank Investment Limited (PBIL). This report has been ...
    • Know your customer: a due diligence exercise undertaken by bKash Ltd. 

      Prothama, Nilam Fayaza (BRAC University, 2018-08-02)
      The report on bKash named ''Know Your Customer: A Due Diligence Exercise Undertaken by bKash Ltd '' is based on my working experience at bKash as a part of the Internship program and also it contains brief idea on some of ...
    • Knowledge sharing pattern of Customer Care Officer's of Grameenphone Limited 

      Ahmed, Kazi Tonima (BRAC University, 2014-09-15)
    • KYC process on corporate banking : citibank 

      Rafa, Jannatul Ferdous (BRAC Univeristy, 2016-12-12)
      Citibank, Inc. is one of the prestigious as well as leading banks globally for 204 years whose headquarter is situated in New York City, USA. The company is very successful all over the world where operated. Gloriously ...
    • L/C breakdown of Mutual Trust Bank Limited 

      Mitra, Shimul (BRAC University, 2013-10-02)
      Letter of Credit breakdown means analysis on it. In this report, analysis on letter of credit of Mutual Trust Bank Limited has been described. How letter of credit work in this bank has also been described. The Mutual Trust ...
    • LankaBangla Finance Limited 

      Alhay, Al Mohaymenul (BRAC University, 2016-04-20)
      The report I am submitting here is on LankaBangla Finance Limited which is one of the best non-banking financial institution in the country. The main purpose of this report was to demonstrate the internship experience which ...
    • Launching "Alokjatra", a ride sharing service to empower women’ 

      Kabir, Sadan (BRAC University, 2018-04)
      This internship report was illustrated as it is a one of the requirements in the internship course for all BRAC Business School students. The internship report gives an elaborate explanation of how the skin care brand Fair ...
    • Launching of Leveron: report on a new anti-epileptic product launching of Sanofi 

      Hasan, Mahmudul (BRAC University, 2016-08-31)
      For a nation like Bangladesh, pharmaceutical segment is a great example of overcoming adversity. Under the promising of 1982 medication law, the area boomed and the nation gradually became self-sufficient. The business ...
    • Lead Time Breach of Document Handover Affecting Procurement Process and Occurring Detention 

      Alam, Mohammed Ifekharul (Brac University, 2022-09)
      This report begins with facts on the internship, including the work tasks and responsibilities as well as the outcomes and challenges encountered throughout the internship. Second, it highlights Nestlé in general, including ...
    • Lead time for Nestle’s LC documentation arrival from global markets 

      Islam, Md. Sakiful (Brac University, 2022-02)
      This report firstly comprises of data about the internship where it describes the job roles and responsibilities as well as outcome and problems faced during the internship. Secondly, it broadly discusses about Nestlé, its ...
    • Leadership & responsibility of project development at Spellbound Leo Burnett. 

      Das, Amrito (Brac University, 2019-09)
      This report highlight’s 4 types of developed project: Innovative thinker, which is a creative idea generation competition, by this the youth will contribute in “Vision 2041” of Bangladesh. Next, Battle of brains, which ...