Internship report on Nova Accessories Industries Ltd.
Nova Accessories Industries Ltd. is an established their business at 2012. They have
only one managing director and two directors. As like other organization their customer
is their first priority. They are mainly import the board and paper items from various
countries by their suppliers and sell it to the local market. Till 2021, they have almost
500 buyers and a lot of suppliers. The main strength of this organization is their
directors who have both financial and political power. Their main weakness is their lazy
workers who did not do their work
appropriately. As they are doing well, they can search for new investors so that they can
increase their capital. Their main threat is its suppliers like, if the supplier will not
deliver the product int he pick time, they will face huge loses. As they are almost new in
the market, they have many threats like, if other organization will come and snatch
their customers they might face loses as well as they have many rivals who will try to
hamper their business. If the pharmaceuticals company will find an alternative to make
medicine packet by other paper that time, they will be facing many problems. In any
business the customer is the king so they will always try to give the highest service to
their customers and also, they need good suppliers who will not betray them otherwise
they will be facing many difficulties. As like other organization they have many
problems like, non-experience workers, bad suppliers, lack of communication and clear
instructions, lack of monitoring system, lack of motivation of the employees etc. If they
what to enhance their profit margin they have to solve all their problems by giving
proper solutions. Lastly, they are focusing on only one specific business but if they will
use those capital in some other businesses as well as they can easily enhance their profit
margin which is necessary as well.