Challenges in job sectors for fresh graduates in Bangladesh: focused on poor English language proficiency
Recent studies suggest that good English language proficiency and getting a job are interrelated
with each other. A few studies have been conducted on the challenges that fresh graduates face in
their job sectors. Hence, the study aimed to bring out possible challenges that fresh graduates
face in their job sectors because of having less fluency in the English language. Most of the
fresh graduates who came from Bangla medium institutions, face more problems in job sectors.
A qualitative interpretivism research method has been used for conducting this study. The
researcher chose a qualitative multiple case study approach where every participant was
considered as an individual case. The researcher took interviews of five fresh graduates who
just started their job careers. It was a semi-structured interview and every interview was taken
through phone calls. The result showed that because of anxiety, lack of self-confidence, fear
of mistakes, and nervousness while communicating in the English language are the main
challenges that fresh graduates face in job sectors because of less fluency in the English
language. The significance of the study is to provide some possible solutions so that might help
fresh graduates of ESOL countries like Bangladesh in their future job careers.
Fresh graduates; ESOL; Poor English language proficiency; Educational curriculum; Motivation; AnxietyLC Subject Headings
English language--Study and teaching--Foreign speakers; Second language acquisitionDescription
This thesis is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in English, 2022.Department
Department of English and Humanities, Brac UniversityType
- Thesis, B.A. (English) [647]