Equity valuation method and other aspects of research in BRAC EPL Stock Brokerage LTD.
The role of stock representatives has evolved significantly during the past few decades. Today,
brokerage houses are not only here to buy or sell stocks for their clients. They also play a more
significant part in assisting throughout the venture process, from providing a research-based
overview, stock advice, asset investment assistance, and trading on their behalf. As an intern
at the Research Department at BESL, the preliminary report I've written is based on a partial
image of BRAC EPL Stock Brokerage Ltd.'s valuation methods preferences. In addition, I have
covered BRAC EPL Stock Brokerage Limited and its subsidiaries, as well as my three-month
internship at research. In addition, I have attempted to compare BESL's growth strategy to
those of other financial portals.