Electroencephalogram based Emotion Recognition with Graph Convolutional Network Model
Recently, researchers have focused on understanding human sentiment using mechanical devices or reactions to any machinery activity. Computerization is becoming more prevalent in today’s environment. People are unaware of the proper way
of expressing their emotions to others. People are unsure how to respond in some
situations. Emotional intelligence is a collection of abilities that includes emotional
awareness and self-control. In 1995, Daniel Goleman’s book Emotional Intelligence
popularized the term. Emotional intelligence has five components: self-awareness,
motivation, self-regulation, and social abilities. Emotion indicates a broad phrase
that alludes to a human being’s cognitive or intelligible and psychological comeback
to the perceived circumstances of another person. Emotional response or sensitivity
towards others boosts one’s chances of assisting others and displaying sentiment.
Some people have been traumatized, handicapped, or have a disability that makes
it difficult for them to express themselves. Our goal is to evaluate human sentiment and the factors working behind emotions using EEG signals to identify a
person’s feelings. We propose a deep learning-based approach with a hybrid model
for detecting emotions such as happiness, sadness, etc. The electroencephalogram,
abbreviation of EEG, is a medical evaluation that computes the electrical activity of
the cerebrum using electrodes or wires placed on the scalp. Using EEG-based emotion recognition, the computer can see inside the user’s head to study their mental
state. To achieve this goal, our mission is to discover the cognitive stimulation that
plays a crucial role in generating happiness and sadness in the human brain via
brain signals using Deep learning(DL) approach and hybrid Graph Convolutional
Network(GCN) model.