Sales monitoring through automation of Square Toiletries Limited
In this report, I have used the experiences and pieces of information I acquired from my
internship at Square Toiletries Limited. It is basically a resonance report that relates my learning
of routine duties to business planning and organization. The report emphasizes my
responsibilities, activities, comprehension, accomplishments, and other features of my internship
activities. The entire report has been divided up into several chapters.
The first chapter is accomplished by including information on the student, the internship, the
supervisor, the job duties and responsibilities, the outcome of the internship, the involvement of
the student, the advantages to the student, the problems and difficulties, and the
recommendation. Through this chapter, I aimed to convey the overall picture of the entire report.
In the second chapter of the report, I tried to cover the whole thing in three-part. Firstly, in the
introduction part the primary objective, secondary objective along with limitations are addressed.
In the next company overview part, the company’s history, mission vision, brands and products,
departments of the company, worldwide reach, and sister concerns are thoroughly mentioned.
After that in last section, I added company’s management, marketing and information
management system practice along with industry competitive analysis and SWOT Analysis.
In the third analysis part, I tried to have some findings from the officials and tried to put it in
diagrams and charts to get the overall ideas. Also added the background of the report in this part.
I ended the report with a recommendation along with the references.