A study on the impact of target deposit mobilization on the employees of the banking industry
The internship process plays one of the most important roles in order to complete the BBA program
from BRAC University. It was a pleasure to have had the opportunity to do my internship in NRB
Commercial Bank which is known as the leading provider for corporate banking services in
Bangladesh. The 3-month internship period helped me gather a lot of knowledge and experience
about the organization as well as banking industry of Bangladesh which also gave me the chance
to discover the most important issue of the banking industry which is the impact of target deposit
mobilization on the employees of the banking industry. Therefore, my internship report sums up
all the information related to my research topic. The problem statement discusses the difficulties
employees face to meet the targets and how it impacts the working environment and how the
problem can be mitigated through various ways. The literature review explains the specific
objective of the research in detail which includes different practices of setting target policies, the
psychological impact of not meeting targets, the target met by employees and finally the
motivation of employees when meeting targets. This report also includes the importance of this
research and is explained in the significance part as there are very few reports regarding the topic
of deposit targets and its impact. The methodology talks about the types of research and sampling
techniques used as well as the data collection methods. Moreover, the findings and analysis part
where the opinions of individuals from NRBC Bank LTD, Mutual Trust Bank LTD and Pubali
Bank LTD are shared proves the hypothesis and the possible solutions that the HRM of the banking
industry can adopt to resolve the issue of target deposit mobilization are also discussed.