Home Automation System Based on IoT
Home automation was created primarily to assist and support the elderly and dis abled at home. Home appliances are designed based on a computer device platform
to automate the use of a Bluetooth and wireless interface microcontroller to operate
home appliances such as lights. This automated way of controlling household equip ment can reduce the use of traditional electric switching methods. Internet of Things
is going to be the best and most useful system for the next generation of science
and technology based World. The IoT provides a very comfortable and easy way
of life for human beings by being managed and consequently interfacing remotely
control of home appliances. The system which is Home Automation is a newly
evolving technology infrastructure (DHT11, Ultrasonic sensor, microcontroller like
NodeMCU, Relay and Communication devices) without directly interacting with
human beings. This kind of module and sensor is used to detect the temperature
and control the light, fan, ac and other electronics devices at home automatically.
Kind of short range wireless system. Also can fill up water tank automatically.