Factors affecting written corrective feedback online: a tertiary level scenario
This study has focused on the teacher’s insights regarding the factors affecting giving written corrective feedback in online teaching. This research included different private and public universities of Dhaka city to see how teachers give effective feedback and are the factors affecting teachers while giving online feedback. The researcher has arranged a semi-structured interview with university teachers. The main purpose of the study is to examine: (a) teachers' choice to provide WCF, (b) the most effective WCF used in L2 writing classrooms, (c) students' expectations towards teachers regarding feedback practice in virtual classrooms, (d) some challenges of online teaching. The study has highlighted the present challenges teachers are facing while teaching online. Some experts' criticisms of WCF have been analyzed to come up with possible solutions.
This thesis is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in English, 2021.Department
Department of English and Humanities, Brac UniversityType
- Thesis, B.A. (English) [647]