A secured way of keeping medical data efficiently using web farm In the perspective of Bangladesh
Bangladesh is a fast developing country and aims to enter the list of developed
countries by 2030. With that aim, there are remarkable technological advancements
taking place in all sectors, but information technology in the medical sector is really
lagging behind. In this new era of technology, the healthcare system needs to keep
up with the constantly changing world. Our existing medical sector is still keeping
important and confidential medical records in hard copies, which sometimes is a
big hassle for both doctors as well as patients. The people are still indifferent
about the confidentiality of their personal data. So, we want to propose an efficient
model of Electronic Health Records (EHR), especially for Bangladesh using the
concept of a web farm consisting two separate private and public cloud servers,
with secured authentication features like kerberos, OTP authorization system, AES
encryption, user friendly UI, and cost effective measures. Already, a few models
of EHR are implemented around the world, and some others are being proposed
too. However, most of them are not applicable to the Bangladeshi scenario because
of unfriendly environments such as lack of awareness, slow internet speed, lack of
technical knowledge of the people, and the scope of corruption. The model proposed
here is able to overcome those deficiencies to meet the requirements that accept the
challenges and adapt to the environment of this country.