Analyzing Youths use of Mobile Financial Services (MFS) - a focus on bKash
In the MFS sector, bKash has continuously maintained the top spot. By offering digital payment,
the business has altered the meaning of conventional banks. Users may now rapidly and
effortlessly manage personal bank balances and execute operations.
simply staying from home in the convenience of their own house, using their smartphone. bKash
has developed a solid corporate reputation within the marketplace since the economy in infancy.
here the firm's one-of-a-kind actions have positioned themselves miles abreast. I was capable of
demonstrating a complete grasp of the industry's basic principles, solutions provided, and
departmental operation by completing combined direct as well as secondary study. The MFS
sector has the hallmarks of such an oligopolistic market structure, which means that
competitiveness will be critical within the coming years. So in order to achieve a strategic edge,
bKash must unify their package offerings pricing and emphasis on a cost-cutting approach.
at the digital marketplace.