An analysis of vision care supplier : the case of Alpha Vision Limited
The report has been prepared on the basis of the experience I acquired during my internship period in Alpha Vision Limited. Doing internship is an integral and import part of the BBA Program. While writing this report I kept in mind that both my academic knowledge and the practical experience I have gather will reflect on this report. I have joined Alpha vision on march. Which was a three-month internship period. I have been working with the finance and accounts team.
The objective of this report is to provide an overview of the organization. I gave an explanation on their management system, Marketing Practice and how they manage their supply chain department as well based on my observation and findings. As the finance and account department is playing quite an important role in this business. I collected two years’ income statement as well as the Balance sheet. Furthermore, a ratio analysis was done based those two years where I further explain how the company is performing.