Social Islami Bank Limited, Boyra, Khulna
Online Banking known as internet banking or web banking. This is an electronic payment system that enables a broad range of financial transactions. The main purpose of this report is to find out the barriers that people face while using online banking service. I have prepared this report based on three months internship program which I have successfully completed from Social Islami Bank Limited, Boyra Branch in Khulna. I started my internship from 23rd October, 2020. This is a condition to complete my undergraduate program in BRAC University. Working as an intern in SIBL, I got the opportunity to experience how the entire banking system operates. I got to interact with customers while they were taking service from the bank both online and face to face. I emphasized on general banking department which is operated through online banking systems along with customer service.
This report contains a study on struggles of people’s while they are using online banking service in Khulna city based on Social Islami Bank’s online service. The report is organized in an arrangement with several parts. The first part of the report contains general overview and background of Social Islami Bank Limited, an overview of online banking in Khulna. Later a brief discussion of the management system and departments, research methodologies and objectives of the report. Following that, problems found and the limitations are mentioned and the solution to those problems are discussed. There are 43 sample respondents from online and 65 people were interviewed on SIBL for the analysis of the customers to know about their view and experience of online banking system in Khulna.