Prospects of 3D bioprinting as a possible treatment for Cancer cachexia
Cancer cachexia is a multifactorial syndrome that is identified by ongoing muscle atrophy, along with functional impairment, anorexia, weakness, fatigue, anemia, reduced tolerance to antitumor-treatments. Ultimately, reducing the patients’ quality of life. Cachexia alone causes about 22-25% cancer deaths. This review covers the symptoms, mediators, available treatment and future prospects of 3D bioprinting for cancer cachexia. Studies about cachexia have shown several factors that drive this disease – protein breakdown, inflammatory cytokines activation and mitochondrial alteration. Even with proper nutrition, physical exercises, anti-inflammatory agents, chemotherapy and grafting attempts, standard treatment has been unsuccessful for cachexia. But use of 3D-bioprinting shows much promise compared to conventional methods by attempting to fabricate 3D-constructs mimicking the native muscle tissues. In this review, some 3D-bioprinting techniques with their advantages and drawbacks, along with their achievements and challenges in in-vivo applications have been discussed. Constructs with neural integration or muscle-tendon units aim to repair muscle atrophy. But it is still difficult to properly bio-print these complex muscles. Although progress can be made by developing new bio-inks or 3D-printers to fabricate high resolution constructs. Using secondary data, this review study shows prospects of why 3D-bioprinting can be a good alternate approach to fight cachexia.