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dc.contributor.authorCentre for Peace and Justice (CPJ), Brac University
dc.description.abstractThis policy brief, a joint publication by Centre for Peace and Justice, Brac University (CPJ) and The Asia Foundation, conveys findings from a rapid analysis to understand refugees’ perspectives on community engagement and consultation approaches by the humanitarian agencies delivering services and aid in the camps of Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. The study’s themes and the research questions were designed by CPJ’s Rohingya research team in response to frequent community concerns, and all viewpoints expressed here are those of camp residents. As an academic institution and knowledge partner serving the humanitarian response, CPJ aims to help diverse stakeholders understand each other’s perspectives.en_US
dc.publisherBrac Universityen_US
dc.subjectRohingya refugeesen_US
dc.subjectHumanitarian agenciesen_US
dc.subjectCox’s Bazaren_US
dc.subject.lcshRohingya (Burmese people).
dc.subject.lcshHumanitarian assistance.
dc.subject.lcshDisplaced persons.
dc.titleViews of Rohingya refugees: engagement and experiences with humanitarian agencies in cox’s bazar, Bangladeshen_US
dc.typePolicy briefen_US

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