Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Bangla text classification using machine learning and deep learning techniques
(Brac University, 2021-09)
At present, we have seen everything is getting digitized where technology almost
takes full control over our life. As a result, a massive number of textual documents
are generated on online platforms and news articles ...
Project Management Software - A Project by United Commercial Bank Ltd.
(Brac University, 2021-09)
Thousands of Apps are created each day, globally. A prominent software firm works
on 10+ projects simultaneously at any given moment. The versatility of web appli cation, from ecommerce site to blog sites to browser games, ...
Retinal Diseases Detection using Deep Learning
(Brac University, 2022-09)
Retina is an important aspect of human vision because it converts light rays into
images and sends messages to the brain. We run the danger of suffering long-term
harm to the eyesight if we have a problem with our retina ...