Browsing Thesis & Report, BSc (Computer Science and Engineering) by Title
Now showing items 1477-1496 of 1570
Towards devising a fund management system using blockchain
(Brac University, 2022-05)Trustworthiness has become a matter of concern in today’s world. Loyalty among people has been abolished as time passes due to corruption. Greediness to achieve material gains is winning over human ethics. In these ... -
Towards devising an effective and reliable means of fish detection and classification through the exploration of various deep learning algorithms
(Brac University, 2022-01)Due to a number of reasons, marine ecosystems change with certain species of fish disappearing while novel species of fishes become a new staple within a given ecosystem, e.g., a lake, river, etc. Monitoring these changes ... -
Towards devising an efficient VQA in the Bengali Language
(Brac University, 2021-12)This paper aims to provide insight into how Visual question answering might work on Bangla datasets versus English datasets. Several studies have been conducted on deep learning methods applied to Bangla datasets up to ... -
Towards santali linguistic inclusion: building the first Santali-to-English translation model using mT5 transformer and data augmentation
(Brac University, 2023-09)Around seven million individuals in India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, and Nepal speak Santali, positioning it as nearly the third most commonly used Austroasiatic language. Despite its prominence among the Austroasiatic language ... -
Towards solving perception based autonomous driving assistant system
(Brac University, 2021-09)This thesis scrutinizes the problem of perception in the self-driving car system. Selfdriving car is the face of the future and the decade’s research focus. Tech giants like Google, Uber, Tesla, Commai, Intel MobilEye ... -
Tracing subtle patterns: early detection of Anorexia in social media using contextualized BERT embeddings and deep learning
(BRAC University, 2024-10)In a world where the usage of social media is prevalent, it is important to acknowledge the fact that these social platforms have been increasingly used to share private matters with the public eye, which may sometimes ... -
Traffic behavior and performance in VOIP
(BRAC University, 2008-04)Voice over Internet protocol - VoIP, or IP telephony is a technology by which the routing of voice communications are done through Internet or any other Internet Protocol (IP) based networks. Here the voice data is transmitted ... -
Traffic congestion detection and optimizing traffic flow using object detection, optical flow and fluid dynamics
(Brac University, 2022-01)Bangladesh has been suffering a severe traffic congestion issue ever since it has been on a high paced development roadmap. Researches regarding solving such traffic issue has been in the talks but has never reached a ... -
Traffic density estimation and flow control for video surveillance system
(BRAC University, 2014)Video monitoring and surveillance have been widely used in traffic surveillance system. It is important to know the road traffic density in predefined traffic videos especially in mega cities like Dhaka for signal control ... -
Traffic information system
(BRAC University, 2010-04)Traffic Information System will assist travelers with planning, perception, analysis and decision making to improve the convenience, safety and efficiency of travel . It will provide the traveler three facilities: route ... -
Traffic sign recognition using deep learning
(Brac University, 2019-12)Traffic sign recognition plays a significant role in modern automated driver assisting systems and showing information about safety measures. It is a technology that allows users to recognize traffic signs in real-time, ... -
Training free non-intrusive load monitoring of electronic appliances battery charging with low sampling rate
(BRAC University, 2016-04)Non-intrusive load monitoring (NILM) is a convenient method to determine the amount of energy consumed by individual electrical appliances of our household and operate them by analyzing the composite load measured directly ... -
Transfer learning based industrial steel plates fault diagnosis using industrial fault signals
(Brac University, 2021-09)Transfer learning (TL) has shown its great advantage to solve small-training-sample issues utilizing information learned from existing large data with deep learning tech- niques. Transfer learning has been e ectively ... -
Transformer vs. RASA model: A thorough attempt to develop conversational Artificial Intelligence to provide automated services to university disciples
(Brac University, 2023-01)With the dynamic advancement of internet services over the past decade, chatbots, also recognized as conversational agents, have risen to prominence. They are signif icantly acclimated to develop a useful digital expert ... -
Transport information system
(BRAC University, 2007-05)In this paper, we present a GIS Based traveling information systems on a variety of transportation modes, Schedule status and transportation related information in the context of the available media of Bangladesh. The ... -
Trash detection in an aquatic environment
(Brac University, 2024-01)Trash in the water bodies is alarming for the world nowadays. As it is a limited source, pollution caused by the trash is threatening for the environment, wild-life and long term effect for the human health and economy. ... -
Traumatic meningeal enhancement detection by deep learning-based biomedical image analysis and handcrafted features extraction
(Brac University, 2024-01)Traumatic Meningeal Enhancement (TME) is a critical medical condition characterized by abnormal enhancement of the meninges following trauma, often observed in medical imaging studies. Traumatic meningeal injuries result ... -
Travel and Tourism Management System Bangladesh (Beriye Pori)
(Brac University, 2022-09)As tourism is becoming more and more popular, the requirements of the tourists are getting more complicated. Now, as the traditional travel websites with basic information or a pricing list of hotels, transportation ... -
Travel time prediction using machine learning and weather impact on traffic conditions
(BRAC University, 2018)The growth of Intelligent Traffic System (ITS) have recently been quite fast and impressive. Analysis and prediction of network traffic has become a priority in day to day planning in social, economic and more widespread ... -
Traffic congestion reduction in SUMO using reinforcement learning method
(Brac University, 2021-02)The exemplary traffic controlling system is getting helpless because of urbanization and a consistently expanding populace. Living in a cutting-edge time of science and innovation, an advanced arrangement is a beggar ...