Now showing items 1519-1520 of 1520

    • Yield prediction for precision agriculture using extreme gradient boosting and support vector regression 

      Ahmed, Md. Sabbir; Tazwar, Md. Tasin; Khan, Haseen; Roy, Swadhin; Iqbal, Junaed (Brac University, 2021-01)
      The rate of population growth of southern Asia is rising dramatically. As a part of this area, Bangladesh is no different. Moreover, the cultivable lands are declining at a huge rate. So to maintain the balance between ...
    • Yoga posture recognition using the deep learning process 

      Islam, Abidul; Sadman, Zarif; Imran, Shah; Islam, Sazzadul (Brac University, 2022-05)
      Yoga is one of the best activities from home to preserve our physical condition in the present epidemic. Yoga, on the other hand, is all about performing the 82 Yoga Asanas correctly over the course of six classes. ...