Now showing items 734-753 of 1520

    • Gain knowledge of the programming language- "Rubyonrails" 

      Sultana, Rozina; Munim, Fazle (BRAC University, 2007)
      This is a learning basis thesis work on RubyOnRails. In this thesis I mainly concentrate on how the language works and it’s usability to the users. I also tried to discover the hidden facts of the language and its ...
    • A GAN-based federated learning architecture for data augmentation of medical images 

      Al Rakin, Abdullah; Iqbal Majumder, MD. Akib; Kabir, Mohammad Farhan; Arafin, Rudmila (Brac University, 2022-09)
      n the medical industry, the availability of precise data limits the scope of deep learn ing applications. Institutional norms restrict hospitals and research facilities owing to privacy concerns. Therefore, data collection ...
    • Garments yarn inventory system 

      Naomee, Mayeen; Alam, Ahsanul (BRAC University, 2007)
    • Gender classification in Bangla language using deep learning-based voice analysis 

      Hakim, Talukder Juhaer; Monsur, Sayema Binte; Shuvo, Abtahi Maskawath; Azrine, Tasmia; Labib, Md. Zarif (Brac University, 2023)
      Gender classification based on voice analysis is one of the elemental tasks in speech and audio processing, with various applications such as speech recognition systems, voice assistants, call center analytics, etc. For ...
    • Gender detection from frontal face images 

      Alam, Mirza Mohtashim; Rocky, Swagatam Roy (BRAC University, 2016)
      In these modern days, gender recognition from facial image has been a crucial topic. To solve such delicate problem several handy approaches are being studied in Computer Vision. However, most of these approaches hardly ...
    • Gene classification and pattern analysis using data mining and machine learning techniques 

      Ramisa, Aiman Jabeen; Hossain, Ananna; Islam, Sk Md Injamul; Swadesh, Ponuel Mollah; Islam, Md. Toushif (Brac University, 2021-06)
      Gene classification and pattern extraction from gene sequence data is essential in understanding different gene sequence features. The field of gene expression data analysis has grown in the past few years from being ...
    • Gene expression analysis using machine learning 

      Mostafa, Nafis (Brac University, 2021-01)
      Cancer is a multifactorial disorder that occurs due to the complex interaction between the environment and gene. The susceptibility of a person to cancer depends on his genetic build-up. Recently, the study of genomes in ...
    • Generating and compressing images from a large volume of discrete datasets using GANs along with different compression techniques and studying the results 

      Sajid, Mayeen Abedin; Jisan, Md. Tanvir Mahtab; Reza, Syeda Nowrin; Jueb, Ashraf Mufidul Islam; Meem, Tahmin Khandaker (Brac University, 2022-09-22)
      Image is among the most common and important factors in modern day research. From Image processing to Image synthesis all the aspects of image are necessary and have always been prioritized. For this we tried to incorporate ...
    • Generation of realistic images from human drawn sketches using deep learning 

      Mahbub, Mohammed Julfikar Ali; Rahmatullah, S. Afsan; Rahman, G M Sohanur; Zillanee, Abu Hasnayen; Akib, Aknur Kamal (Brac University, 2022-01)
      Processing sketches to produce realistic images is an intriguing idea in the world of emerging Artificial Intelligence. We present a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) based methodology that creates satisfactory images ...
    • A generic framework of three factor authentication with optional bio-metric or graphical password 

      Hossain, Mohammad Naveed; Zaman, Sheikh Fahim Uz; Khan, Tazria Zerin; Katha, Sumaiya Azad (Brac University, 2022-01)
      We live in a technological era where technology controls our lives in a good way or in a bad way. In today’s digital world we cannot imagine a single day without technology and for security for purposes we mostly rely ...
    • Genome sequence analysis of bos frontalis and genome wide association study (GWAS) between near species 

      Islam, Sara; Parvin, Rumana; Afrin, Most. Sanjida; Babu, Liakot Khan; Sarkar, Oindri Aurunima (BRAC University, 2021-06)
      The Gayal is an enormous estimated imperiled bovine species having a place with the Bovidae family, Bovini tribe , Bovina group, Bos family , and Bos frontalis species. It is a semi-domestic animal, kept in gated forest ...
    • Genre classification of movies using their synopsis 

      Rahman, Ramiz Ihteshamur; Kadir, Sk. Sajidul (BRAC University, 12/14/2017)
      Movies have been classified into genres since the inception of the medium. However, even till this day, the process of classifying movies into genres has been a manual, time consuming task requiring human expertise. Some ...
    • Gesture based implementation on neural network: Bengali sign language to text conversion 

      Hasan, S.M. Farzana; Rahman, Tanjina Mehnaz; Chowdhury, Anika Raisa; Biswas, Akash (BRAC Univeristy, 2017-08)
      This paper presents a novel system that converts Bengali Sign language to text using an optimum system comprising of artificial neural networksand support vector model. Bengali Sign Language, has very few research papers ...
    • GIS based navigation system of Dhaka city 

      Haque, Mufti Shahriar; Biswas, Tapan (BRAC University, 2007-01)
      This thesis project’s objective is to implement a navigation system for Dhaka city. The system uses real road map of Dhaka city. It shows users current position, shortest path based on distance to the expected destination ...
    • GNN model for classification of SARS-CoV-2 severity in molecules 

      Delower, H M Layes; Tanzim, Khandakar Maisha; Shahriar, Faisal; Fairooz, Sharika (Brac University, 2024-05)
      In a time when healthcare issues and diseases get more complex every day, it becomes evident that efficient and precise disease detection and classification are invaluable. Through the quick development of machine ...
    • Google's keyword analysis tool and compare its various metrics for finding the most popular search terms on the web 

      Tusar, Md. Fazlul Karim (BRAC University, 2009-08)
      Among the search engines, Google is the most powerful and popular search engine in the web. Google handles roughly 60% of world wide search and Google network is the largest advertising network available online, reaching ...
    • Graph data mining-based community clustering for gender-biased community detection of social media 

      Dev, Sanjoy; Tabassum, Maliha; Khan, Mohammad Rahat; Hoque, Maliha Bushra; Fatema, Basharat (Brac University, 2023-05)
      One of the alarming and uprising issues of the world is gender inequality in recent decades. It is a widespread problem that affects people all around the world, albeit its manifestations and severity vary depending on ...
    • Greenhouse monitoring and harvesting mobile robot with 6DOF manipulator utilizing ROS, inverse kinematics and deep learning models 

      Islam, Md. Hashibul; Wadud, Md. Firoz; Rahman, Md. Raihan; Alam, A S M Hasibul (Brac University, 2022-01-20)
      The rapid climate change and scarcity of fertile land has been a global concern recently. To sustain the food supply its high time to think about the modern way of cultivating which is greenhouse. Taking these changes as ...
    • GSM technology & its application in Bangladesh 

      Rahman, Tanzana (BRAC University, 5/3/2007)
      My thesis gives an overview about the GSM technology and its application in Bangladesh. GSM Technology is the most popular standard for mobile phones in the world. It allows the network operators to offer roaming services, ...
    • Hand gesture recognition using ensemble method 

      Kowsar, Sahib; Chowdhury, Mahzabin; Mahmud, MD Safin; Haque, Shahbaj Shafin; Shifa, Asaka Akther (Brac University, 2023-05)
      Even though things have improved much more over the last century in terms of com- munication, there still is a glaring amount of communication gap between the hearing majority and the deaf community due to the lack of ...