Now showing items 165-184 of 1520

    • Band plan for the amateur radio in Bangladesh 

      Karim, Sahebul; Chaity, Fahmida Wahud (BRAC University, 2009-04)
      A band plan is a plan for utilizing a particular band of radio frequencies that are a portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. Each band plan defines the frequency range to be included, how channels are to be defined, and ...
    • Bang-lish sentiment classification using deep learning 

      Saleheen, Abrar; Siam, Saleh Ahmed; Akter, Sanjeda; Ghosh, Akash; Ahona, Adiba Anbar (Brac University, 2023-01)
      E-commerce websites and social media platforms have become integral parts of peo ple’s social lives. Through posts, comments, and reviews on social media and online shopping websites, people can share their ideas. ...
    • Bangali Handwritten characters classification using Deep Convolutional Neural Network 

      Sikder, Shihab Uddin; Muslebeen, Md. Shafiul (Brac University, 2022-05)
      Handwritten letter classification of any given language has the potential to be used in various fields such as literature, educational institutions, digitization of govern ment records etc. Bengali language with its complex ...
    • Bangla character recognition for Android devices 

      Manzur, Shahrin; Islam, Shafiqul; Foysal, Abu; Chowdhury, Aparajita (BRAC University, 2015-12)
      In this paper, we illustrate our attempt to create editable documents from images by retrieving the text. The process is widely known as Optical Character Recognition (OCR). We have tried to build an Android application ...
    • Bangla grammar and spelling check using machine learning 

      Ahmed, Foysal; Khan, Md Shahriar; Arafin, MD Emon; Al Abir, Abdullah; Begum, Mumtahina (Brac University, 2023-01)
      Bangla, or Bengali, is one of the world’s most spoken languages, with hundreds of millions of native speakers worldwide. Thousands of books are written in the Bangla language every year, and millions of people register ...
    • Bangla license plate recognition using convolutional neural networks (CNN) 

      Rahman, M M Shaifur (BRAC University, 12/24/2017)
      In the last few years, the deep learning technique in particular Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are using massively in the field of computer vision and machine learning. This deep learning technique provides ...
    • Bangla natural language inference 

      Rahman, Sheikh Ayatur; Ronan, Atif; Sajid, Syed Saleh Mohammad; Mahtab, MD Ajmain (Brac University, 2024-06)
      Natural Language Inference (NLI) plays a vital role in our interpretation of textual data. Understanding texts is often difficult due to the logical and contextual motivations behind them. However, with the help of a ...
    • Bangla number plate recognition from noisy video footage using deep learning 

      Chowdhury, Mahfuzur Rahman; Shahriar, MD. Muyeed; Meem, Esrat Jahan; Hossain, S.M.Faiyaz (Brac University, 2021-01)
      The automatic number plate recognition of a vehicle from noisy footage has become an important issue in Bangladesh. In Bangladesh, the number of vehicles is increasing at a very high frequency. Moreover, unlike the English ...
    • Bangla optical character recognition 

      Noor, Nawsher Ahmed; Habib, S. M. Murtoza (School of Engineering and Computer Science (SECS) , BRAC University, 2005-12)
    • Bangla optical character recognition from printed text using Tesseract Engine 

      Faruque, MD Yamin; Adeeb, MD Zahin; Kamal, Muhammad Maswood; Ahmed, Redwan (Brac University, 2021-01)
      Optical Character Recognition or OCR is a technology that enables us to detect and extract text from images. In our project, we are designing our OCR system around the Bangla language. This is primarily because, there are ...
    • Bangla optical character recognition using Kohonen network 

      Shatil, Adnan Md. Shoeb (BRAC University, 2006-05)
      This report is based on Optical Character Recognition (OCR) specially Bangla (National Language of Bangladesh) Optical Character Recognition process and its steps. The whole idea is converting text images into editable ...
    • Bangla sign language interpretation using image processing 

      Arko, Fahmid Nasif; Tabassum, Nujhat; Trisha, Taposhi Rabeya; Ahmed, Fariha (BRAC University, 4/18/2017)
      Instant feedback on sign language can greatly improve sign language interpretation. In this project we plan to use efficient methods to detect the hand correctly using skin detection algorithm and removing all noise using ...
    • Bangla sign language recognition and sentence building using deep learning 

      Shurid, Safayet Anowar; Amin, Khandaker Habibul; Mirbahar, Md. Shahnawaz; Karmaker, Dolan (Brac University, 2020-04)
      Modern age being the era of Information technology, it would not have come this far without the piled up data or information. Whereas communication is the basis of collecting or gathering data or information, almost 5% ...
    • Bangla sign language recognition using leap motion sensor 

      Tan, Tamkin Mahmud; Mondol, Anna Mary; Nawal, Noshin; Ahmed, Sabbir (Brac University, 2019-08)
      Sign language is used by hearing and speech impaired people to transmit their messages to other people but it is difficult for a regular people to understand this gesture based language. Instantaneous responses on sign ...
    • Bangla speech isolation from noisy auditory environment using convolutional neural network 

      Zaman, K M Tahzeem; Hasan, Zahid; Hossain, Mohd. Ibrahim (Brac University, 2023-01)
      In recent years, the primary solution to sound enhancement has gained popularity. There is a rich research contribution from academia and industry to remove noise and enhance sound quality. With the advance in machine ...
    • Bangla speech recognition using 1D CNN and LSTM with different dimension reduction techniques 

      Nirjhor, S M Mahsanul Islam; Chowdhury, Mohammad Abidur Rahman; Sabab, Md. Nazmus (Brac University, 2019-08)
      In the area of machine learning, speech recognition was always a hot topic but as world's 8th most widely spoken language Bangla hasn't got the focus as much as she deserved. This research will be on speech recognition ...
    • Bangla speech to text conversion using CMU sphinx 

      Bristy, Israt Jerin; Shakil, Nadim Imtiaz; Musavee, Tesnim; Choton, Akibur Rahman (Brac University, 2019-08)
      Speech is the most normal type of communication and association between people while content (text) and images are the most basic types of exchange in the computer system. Therefore, enthusiasm in regards to transformation ...
    • Bangla text classification using machine learning and deep learning techniques 

      Salehin, Kamrus; Ahmed, Fahim; Nabi, Md. Ashifun; Alam, M. Kaosar (Brac University, 2021-09)
      At present, we have seen everything is getting digitized where technology almost takes full control over our life. As a result, a massive number of textual documents are generated on online platforms and news articles ...
    • Bangla text extraction by digital image processing 

      Hoque, A. K. M Rashedul; Pandit, Proma Mrittika; Nasreen, Najia; Raihan, Hasin (2017-12)
      Optical character recognition (OCR) is a technology to extract the text from an image. The main purpose of an OCR is to make editable text documents from different scanned documents, image files or books. In this paper, ...
    • BanglaBait: using transformers, neural networks & statistical classifiers to detect clickbaits in New Bangla Clickbait Dataset 

      Mahtab, Motahar; Haque, Monirul; Hasan, Mehedi (Brac University, 2022-01)
      The art of luring us to click on certain content by exploiting our curiosity is recognized as clickbait. Clickbait might be aggravating at times because it is misleading. Several studies have worked on the detection of ...