Browsing Thesis & Report, BSc (Computer Science and Engineering) by Title
Now showing items 8-27 of 1520
Abandoned object detection with video surveillance
(BRAC University, 2014)We are presenting a new framework for smart threat detection with the help of video surveillance which captures live streaming from the camera and determine if any abandoned object has been set up. It then raises an alarm ... -
Abnormal behavior detection of human by video surveillance system
(BRAC University, 2014-12)In recent years, the number of surveillance cameras installed to monitor private and public spaces and areas has increased dramatically. There is an increasing demand for smarter video surveillance of public and private ... -
Academic document verification using SSI and blockchain technology
(Brac University, 2023-09)Academic certificates are evidence of qualification for their recipients. Although academic data is regularly transmitted by institutes, the procedure of transferring and verifying this data is usually tiring and ... -
Accelerating ant colony optimization by using local search
(BRAC University, 2015-08)Optimization is very important fact in terms of taking decision in mathematics, statistics, computer science and real life problem solving or decision making application. Many different optimization techniques have been ... -
Accelerating ggplot2 based projection on r-map using NVIDIA GPU
(BRAC University, 8/17/2016)With an increasing amount of user and data demands for fast data processing, the optimization of database operations continues to be a challenging work. A common optimization technique is to leverage parallel hardware ... -
Access to national agricultural commodity price data
(BRAC University, 2005-12)Bangladesh bureau of statistics provides statistical data, publications and reports based on survey and analysis of data. They provide a format of statistical data to the user. The main objective of BBS is to make ... -
Accuracy of data analysis on university student's major subject and job sector prediction using KNN and decision tree algorithm
(Brac University, 2021-09)The students are at a loss when it comes to choosing their major or field of work due to inefficient school system and decision making of the parents. This problem can be resolved to some extent by using classifiers. ... -
Accurate analysis of mood detection using eye-images rather than facial expression recognition (FER)
(Brac University, 2022-06-05)There are several works on mood detection by machine learning from physical and neuro- physical data of people, along with works on emotion recognition using eye-tracking. We want to show that a person’s mood can be detected ... -
An active-learning based training-schedule for biomedical image segmentation on deep neural networks
(Brac University, 2021-01)Biomedical image classification and segmentation are quite important tasks for medical diagnosis. Many Deep Neural Networks (U-Net, V-Net, etc) have been used in recent years to segment biomedical images. For classification ... -
Adaptive traffic signal control using image analysis and AI techniques
(Brac University, 2024-10)Traffic jam is a significant obstacle that makes travel within the city very inconvenient. The systems, such as traffic lights, that are currently in place do not solve this problem. In usual scenario, traffic lights ... -
Adoption and up gradation of CMMI : prospect of software industry of Bangladesh
(BRAC University, 2005-05)Software industry of Bangladesh is still a way beyond the international standard and recognition because of its infrastructure. To consolidate its structural integrity, the constituent firms should be encouraged for ... -
Advance waterway transport system based on Internet of Things (IoT)
(Brac University, 2022-09)Nowadays the inland waterway transportation sector has grown significantly in recent years, offering a large possible contribution to environmentally friendly and cost-effective transportation to reduce congestion on the ... -
An advanced data fabric architecture leveraging homomorphic encryption and federated learning
(Brac University, 2023-03)In this study, we present a novel approach for securely analyzing medical images using federated learning and partially homomorphic encryption within a distributed data fabric architecture. Our approach allows multiple ... -
Advanced health insurance system using smart contract of ethereum blockchain
(Brac University, 2023-05)Every year, more healthcare insurance frauds are discovered, which is hugely worrying for society. Healthcare insurance fraud takes many forms, including fabricating data, obfuscating third-party responsibility, misrepresenting ... -
An advanced healthcare android application with machine learning
(BRAC University, 2018)In this thesis, an advanced healthcare application on android platform is proposed and demonstrated using machine learning techniques. This advance healthcare application allows the user to conduct critical prognosis based ... -
An advanced hospital rating system using machine learning and natural language processing
(Brac University, 2023-05)Bangladesh is the host of 255 public and 4,452 private hospitals. Unfortunately, there is no reliable metric or resource available online to determine which hospital is better. Patients and their peers often find it ... -
Advanced portfolio management using markowitz portfolio theory
(Brac University, 2019-12)A portfolio is a collection of stocks made from different companies, the number of stocks can range from 10 to 30 depending on expected return by the investors. Portfolio management is finding the right group of stocks ... -
Advanced task scheduling algorithm for IoT Based FOG communication model
(Brac University, 2020-04)Internet of Things (IoT) is hugely dependent on Cloud Computing. Cloud comput- ing uses a high degree of polymerization calculation mode and so it cannot ensure e ective use of resources like computing, storage, etc. FOG ... -
Advancing autonomous navigation: YOLO-based road obstacle detection and segmentation for Bangladeshi environments
(Brac University, 2024-05)The advancement of autonomous vehicles requires a fast and effective object detection and segmentation system handling a wide range of road environments. The goal of this research is to improve autonomous navigation by ... -
Advancing medical image security: a hybrid DNA-AES based cryptosystem
(Brac University, 2024-01)In today’s technological age, it is simple to obtain someone’s personal information via data transmission, especially for those who don’t use sufficient data security throughout the process. Data breaches are now a ...