Browsing Thesis & Report, BSc (Computer Science and Engineering) by Title
Now showing items 244-263 of 1567
Cancer classification using deep learning from medical image data
(Brac University, 2022-01)Cancer is a disease in which some of the body’s cells grow uncontrollably and spread to other parts of the body. Cancer can start almost anywhere in the human body, which is made up of trillions of cells. There is usually ... -
Cancer detection using image processing techniques based on cell counting, cell area measurement and clump detection
(BRAC Univeristy, 8/21/2017)We proposed cancer cell detection using image processing techniques based on cancer cell counting, cell area measurement and clump detection. The proposed system autonomously detects traits of cancer in microscopy images ... -
CancerCare: A reliable and secured self-supervising and interactive system using deep learning
(Brac University, 2023-01)Cancer is the ultimate global health issue in the 21st century, as its burden is in creasing day by day. In the year 2020 [36], 18.1 million cancer cases were estimated, where 9.3 million were men and 8.8 million were ... -
Cardiovascular disease prediction model using Machine Learning Algorithm
(Brac University, 2022-09)This research uses machine learning to anticipate and detect the symptoms of specific diseases after examining some of the important elements of these diseases in order to better understand them and develop new and better ... -
(BRAC University, 2010-12)Cartography comes from the combination of two Greek words: Chartismeaning map and graphinemeaning to write. Cartography is the study and practice of making maps, and hence a cartographer is an entity- human or machine - ... -
Cassava leaf disease classification using deep learning and convolutional neural network ensemble
(Brac University, 2022-01)Cassava is a high-protein and nutrient-dense plant, notably inside the leaves. Cassava is often used as a rice alternative. Pests, viruses, bacteria, and fungus may cause a variety of illnesses on cassava leaves. This ... -
Categorization of human monkey-pox from skin lesion images based on transformer and ensemble learning using GRADCAM
(Brac University, 2023-01)As the world keeps healing from the worldwide outbreak of COVID-19, the MPOX virus poses a new risk. The Mpox virus is not as deadly or contagious as COVID-19, but new patient cases are recorded every day from a wide ... -
CattleSavior: towards implementing an advanced external disease detection system through deep learning
(Brac University, 2023-08)"Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD), Foot and mouth (FMD), and Infectious Bovine Keratoconjunctivitis (IBK) are some of the most common external diseases of cattle in Bangladesh. Besides, these diseases are highly contagious. Thus, ... -
Centralized medical practice management software system
(BRAC University, 2015-08)The purpose of this project was to construct a centralized patient management system that would serve as a consolidated platform to provide an effective and efficient mechanism for patient management and means for availing ... -
Centralized school management system using distributed database
(BRAC University, 2017)Focusing on the digitalization of different sectors by Bangladesh government, it came in accordance that education system of the country is lagging behind on the track. Considering an individual’s educational information, ... -
Cervical Cancer Detection from Cervix Image Using Pap smear Imaging through CNN
(Brac University, 2020-04)Uterine cervical cancer is the second most regular gynecological harm around the world. The appraisal of the degree of sickness is fundamental for arranging ideal treatment. Imaging procedures are progressively utilized ... -
CHAAR: location based product offer advertisement app
(BRAC University, 4/18/2016)Shopping is a major part of this modern era for both Men and Women. CHAAR App dynamically helps the users to find out their desire and favorite products. Besides it will give the notification about the shops which will ... -
Chaos in Quantum Mechanics
(Brac University, 2023-01)This thesis provides a detailed view of Out-of-time-order correlators in quantum mechanics. And how we can use OTOC to calculate chaos in quantum mechanics. We present precise OTOC calculations for a circle billiard, a ... -
Character animation using reinforcement learning and imitation learning algorithms
(2021-06)Real-time character animation for gaming and film industries is challenging and achieving production-ready quality is the hardest part. Managing time and resources also plays a vital role here. Animation through marker-based ... -
Child Safe Browser Extension: A Browser Extension to Detect Adultery and Violent Content to Make Safer Web for Children
(Brac University, 2021-05)The world is changing with the pace of information technology revolution and now a-days anybody can access to the internet including the children. Since birth These 21st century children are able to access to the di erent ... -
Choosing two technologies that best suite for making voter ID card
(BRAC University, 2008-05)Voting is an important national issue for every country and the whole voting process should be flawless and secured. To ensure free and fair election, Bangladesh needs a voting system where people can vote without any ... -
Chronic kidney disease detection using ensemble classi ers and feature set reduction
(BRAC University, 2019)Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is the gradual loss of kidney function over a duration of months or years. One in ten people are affected by it at some stage. Some ethnicities such as African Americans and South Asians are ... -
Chronos with ensemble GBT: a hybrid framework for GDP forecasting with zero-shot learning
(BRAC University, 2024-10)Whether it is global or national, accurate economic forecasting is crucial for a country. It paves the direction of a country in terms of policy making, resource allocation, and risk management etc. There are several ... -
Citrus leaf disease detection by image processing
(Brac University, 2024-01)Citrus leaf diseases bring a danger to the earnings of citrus estates. When it comes to recovering from illness, early detection and accurate diagnosis are very necessary. In the last several decades, there have been ... -
Classi cation of magnetic configurations using machine learning algorithms
(Brac University, 2019-08)Machine learning is used to carry out e cient studies and analyses in the eld of condensed matter physics. We propose comprehensive machine learning approaches that would classify between magnetic structures. We propose ...