Now showing items 1-10 of 42
Finite state recognizer and string similarity based spelling checker for Bangla
(BRAC University, 2007)
A crucial figure of merit for a spelling checker is not just whether it can detect misspelled words,
but also in how it ranks the suggestions for the word. Spelling checker algorithms using edit
distance methods tend to ...
Web mining for better web usability
(BRAC University, 2007-12)
To develop more effective user-oriented learning techniques for the Web, we
need to be able to identify a meaningful session unit from which we can learn.
Without this, we could have a high risk to mix up the different ...
Evaluation of feasibility of SMS based reminder service
(BRAC University, 2007-09)
This is not always possible for a person to remember all things or events by
himself or herself, he or she needs to be reminded. To remind or not to forget to
do things at right time on the right place is called Reminder ...
Testing and update of mind mapping software that helps students to plan eight different types of essays
(BRAC University, 2007-09)
To improve students learning skills, a mind map software is developed by
BRAC university students. My work involves testing this software on
some BRAC university students of English Language Program (ELPRO)
to develop ...
Evaluate the effectiveness of education through video on removable media
(BRAC University, 2007-09)
Distance education is a field of education that focuses on the technology and
instructional systems design that are effectively incorporated in delivering
education to students who (most of the time) are not physically ...
Network security and intrusion detection system
(BRAC University, 2007-01)
Objective of this project is to study various ways network security could be
challenged, analyze the events that lead to vulnerabilities and hacking in remote
network manipulation method, learn methodologies used to ...
Duper scalar processor : the hardware approach to instruction level parallelism
(BRAC University, 2007-08)
Multi-core processors are being widely used nowadays and the numbers of cores
are increasing in the commercial arena with great speed with the gigahertz race
between the two stalwarts, Intel and AMD. Usually the cores ...
Color contrast processor and color scheme generator
(BRAC University, 2007-12)
Color contrast processor and color scheme generator is an integrated tool developed to
aid user in finding a set of colors that have a notable level of contrast and brightness
between them, and to help find a combination ...
A comparison between open-source and commercial translator tools
(BRAC University, 2007-01)
When staring to analyze the tools used for translation, I have chosen
Pootle as the first tool to consider is an open source tool that performs translation
by means of analyzing the whole sentence first before parsing ...
Automatic SIM block & unblock, trace a number & emergency utility contact
(BRAC University, 5/5/2007)
At every step in our daily life, keeping contacts with people is the most essential thing to do. For this we need to carry things that help us to communicate with others, like mobile devices. With such devices, we can make ...