Now showing items 1-10 of 33
A survey on network attacks and defence-in-depth mechanism by intrusion detection system
(BRAC University, 2006-12)
Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is almost new technology in the area of computer and
Network security system. It has been experimented all over the world for recent years.
In this thesis we have proposed Intrusion ...
Distinguishing between factual information and insulting or abusive messages bearing words or phrases in news articles
(BRAC University, 2006-08)
Since Internet has become the leading source of information for the users,
flames or abusive messages have also become the prominent factors of time
wasting for retrieving information. Moreover, a text can contain ...
An analysis of accounting software of Mutual Trust Bank
(BRAC University, 1/1/2006)
Banking sector of our country is playing an important role in our economic
situation. There are a large number of banks operating in our country
successfully. Most of the banks are automated. As a result every bank ...
Development of a basic Group Support System (GSS) and assessing the impact of its implementation in Bangladeshi organization
(BRAC University, 2006-12)
A significant technological change for many organizations over the
next several years will be the advent of computing and communication
networks. Local and wide-area networks will affect communication
both within and ...
Kotha : the first to speech synthesis for Bangla language
(BRAC University, 2006)
In this paper, we present Text to Speech (TTS) synthesis system for Bangla language.
Here the system developed using phonology, G2P conversion and prosodic information
in the festival [1] framework. Since Festival does ...
Computer support for building English sentence skills
(BRAC University, 2006-08)
To construct a sentence things like selection of words, meaning or context are needed. However it is found that a large number of students, even after taking twelve years of English as a subject are unable to construct ...
University on web : a case study of using moodle for course work
(BRAC University, 2006)
Moodle is actually an open source web application for producing internet-based courses and websites. It is a Course Management System (CMS). Moodle is written in PHP. It runs on nearly every available server platform, and ...
Directory of nearest hospitals using mobile service
(BRAC University, 2006-12)
In Bangladesh we have five mobile telecommunication companies,
among all only two of them have GPRS system and near future they will bring
GPS system. This is why we want to develop a system that will work with GPS
and ...
An SMS and web-based traffic case management system in Bangladesh
(BRAC University, 2006-08)
The Traffic Police of Bangladesh has no database software where the cases can
be stored. For this reason the Traffic Police update all the cases manually. They
have a case record book. If any incident occurs and the ...
Developing a software for BRAC bank unit/zonal office management system for smooth SME operation
(BRAC University, 2006-07)
The target purpose of the thesis is to develop a software, which is capable of storing all
the information of Customer Relation Officer (CRO), other officials and of Unit offices /
Zonal offices and also able to generate ...