Now showing items 41-50 of 159
Computer support for building English sentence skills
(BRAC University, 2006-08)
To construct a sentence things like selection of words, meaning or context are needed. However it is found that a large number of students, even after taking twelve years of English as a subject are unable to construct ...
Dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) transmission system with optical amplifiers in cascade
(BRAC University, 2009-08)
Performance of a Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) transmission system with Optical Amplifiers in Cascade will be analyzed considering the effect of accumulated Amplifier’s Spontaneous Emission (ASE) noise. Analysis ...
University on web : a case study of using moodle for course work
(BRAC University, 2006)
Moodle is actually an open source web application for producing internet-based courses and websites. It is a Course Management System (CMS). Moodle is written in PHP. It runs on nearly every available server platform, and ...
Development an e-learning environment for CSE-110 at BRAC university
(BRAC University, 2009)
Traditional Face-To-Face Learning has some problems which are addressed by Blended
Learning. Blended Learning is nothing but the combination of both Face-To-Face and ELearning.
So the focus of our thesis paper is on ...
Looking into e-learning in Bangladesh implementing SUDOKU puzzle and KUMON learning system
(BRAC University, 2007-08)
To build a knowledge based web portal from the ‘Distant Learning’ point of view
where, a well-known puzzle game “SUDOKU”, a very new math learning method
“KUMON” and image based “Logical Learning” will be implemented.
Literature survey of automatic face recognition system and eigenface based implementation
(BRAC University, 2008-08)
There are three fundamental grounds for me to write this survey paper:
the first is to provide an uptodate
review of the existing literature, and the
second is to reveal some technical term that how a Computer can ...
Evaluating user experience for operating system development
(BRAC University, 2008-04)
User experience is not formally defined in software engineering yet; this research paper is an
effort to relate user experience with software engineering with proper references.
Operating system is the most important ...
Broadband wireless access based on WiMAX techconology with business analysis
(BRAC University, 2009-01)
WiMAX which represents World interoperability for Microwave Access is a major part of broadband wireless network having IEEE 802.16 standard provides innovative fixed as well as mobile platform for broadband internet access ...
Directory of nearest hospitals using mobile service
(BRAC University, 2006-12)
In Bangladesh we have five mobile telecommunication companies,
among all only two of them have GPRS system and near future they will bring
GPS system. This is why we want to develop a system that will work with GPS
and ...
Real time traveler information system : an efficient approach to minimize travel time using available media
(BRAC University, 2005-12)
The objective of this thesis project is to establish a Real Time Traveler Information
System that will Support the operation of an Advanced Traveler Information System
(ATIS). The system will monitor the current condition ...