Now showing items 151-159 of 159
Mobile learning as a self evaluation tool
(BRAC University, 2006-12)
Incremental thinking questions in e-learning
(BRAC University, 2006-05)
E-learning is the use of technologies to deliver lessons . It is an interactive
instructional experience in which the student and the teacher are in separate physical
locations. We have generated an E-learning engine or ...
Analyzing the differnt mobile packages and other parameters and formalization of country policy for BTRC
(BRAC University, 2006-05)
In spite of being a developing country Bangladesh has made significant progress in the telecommunication sector. Though the telecom sector has flourished rapidly and there are five fully established companies are operating ...
Problems analysis of fisheries department and it's solution
(BRAC University, 2005-12)
Automation of various Govt. Departments is going on. But security, efficiency and sustainability still remain on question. As a part of that I want to do System Analysis
and Design on various activities of 4th Fisheries ...
VOIP adoption and bussiness prospective in Bangladeh
(BRAC University, 2007-12)
Voice over Internet protocol - VoIP, or IP telephony is a technology by
which the routing of voice communications are done through Internet or
any other Internet Protocol (IP) based networks. Here the voice data ...
Mobile messaging using Bangla
(BRAC University, 2005-12)
Mobile messaging using Short Message Service (SMS) is a popular way
to communicate easily and in short time. There are an estimated five million
mobile users in Bangladesh and the number is increasing by the day. ...
Redesigning and restructuring CSE-110 based on interactive learning pedagogy
(BRAC University, 2007-08)
Education involves two primary components: teaching and learning. To assess
the quality of education, both of these aspects require examination. This thesis
paper is the experimental methods of examining to determine the ...
E-learning software in the context of Bangladesh : proposal for an interactive model according to bloom's texonomy
(BRAC University, 2007)
The latest information and communication technologies like internet service, telecom service, and live video conference have introduced a special form of distance learning: e-learning which removes the barriers of traditional ...
Internet exchange in Bangladesh and future improvement of its infrastructure
(BRAC University, 2005-12)
Internet Exchange or IX is an Inter connection between ISPs in
Bangladesh intended to keep local traffic local. There are over 70 ISPs in Bangladesh, which are providing Internet service to the customers. However, there ...