Predictive maintenance of HVAC system using supervised machine learning algorithms
Technological advancements, especially rich data, being incorporated into the development
of buildings is simultaneously elevating the importance of fault detection and
diagnostics (FDD) of energy-e cient applications (for instance, an HVAC system).
Consequently, the challenges lie in identifying the suitable FDD techniques and test
methodologies and locating the appropriate dataset. Furthermore, identi cation
and detection of fault during early stages and later stages determine how critical the
problem is and what form of immediate maintenance is required (i.e., replacement
of components, altering a given condition to restore normalcy, also known as negative
feedback etc). This is especially important in shopping malls, educational and
business institutions, where the malfunctioning of air conditioners or dehumidi ers
can greatly a ect productivity. The prediction models revolve around the maintenance
of condition-based de nitions for the ground truth of the system. At rst, the
preprocessing technique of normalising the data set was performed on it. Then the
data was visualised to help identify categorical and important features in
the binary values of the fault detection ground truth. Afterwards, the dataset was
split into train-test sets with di erent machine learning algorithms, namely RandomForestClassi
er, Decision Tree, KNearestNeighbours, Catboost, MLP Classi er
etc. From our experiment, we achieved the best testing accuracies of 99.21% and
100% using the Random Forest classi er on the MZVAV-1 and SZCAV datasets respectively,
95.76% using the CatBoost classi er on the MZVAV-2-2 dataset, 99.91%,
100% and 99.71% using the Extra Trees classi er on the MZVAV-2-1 dataset, SZCAV
and SZVAV datasets respectively.