Deepfake detection using neural networks
Deepfake is a sort of arti cial intelligence that forge original image or video and
create persuading images, audio and video hoaxes by utilizing two contending AI
algorithms-the generator and discriminator that form a generative adversarial net-
work (GAN). The term `Deepfake' started in 2017, when a mysterious Reddit user
called himself "Deepfakes." The user "Deepfakes" supplanted genuine faces with
celebrity faces. With the rapid advancement of modern technology, Deepfakes have
become an emerging problem, as deepfakes can threaten cybersecurity, political elec-
tions, companies, individual and corporate nances, reputations, and more. There-
fore, this makes deepfake detection more and more urgent. Although, a lot of
techniques has been invented to detect deepfake but not all of them works perfectly
and accurately for all cases. Also, as more up to date deepfake creation strategies
are grown, ine ectively generalizing methodologies should be continually refreshed
to cover these new techniques. Our research focuses on the recent techniques that
are used to create manipulated videos and detect them though ensembling di erent
CNN models.