Adaptation of ELT for online education in primary schools of Bangladesh during COVID-19 pandemic
This research paper observes and analyses the changes adapted to English Language
Teaching made to accommodate online learning. Online education has been effective in
Bangladesh since March, 2020 due to COVID-19 pandemic closing down schools for an
indefinite period. While several studies have explored the effects of such a sudden shift in
learning environment for secondary and tertiary level students, the primary level students
have not received as much attention. As a remedy to cover the research gap, this research
was conducted in a qualitative and in-depth measure, selecting a pool of teachers,
students and parents for data. The students are from different educational backgrounds,
namely English Medium, Bengali Medium and English Version. The purpose behind this
research is fueled by the absolute necessity of having an aptitude for English skills in our
context. Primary students need care and attention to build a strong skill foundation, as
they will advance to secondary and tertiary levels henceforth. The paper not only
observes, but also explores if the changes adapted are effective enough to continue online
education the way it has been in the past year. Through interviews and surveys, and
relevant secondary sources, the gathered data answers the question of whether it is time
to bring about reform in teaching methods, policies, and assessments.
Online education in Bangladesh; Primary students; COVID-19; Pandemic education; English Language TeachingDescription
This thesis is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in English, 2021.Department
Department of English and Humanities, Brac UniversityType
- Thesis, B.A. (English) [647]