Smart companion agent for mental well-being through Deep Learning and NLP
Mental disorders are an unfortunate reality among the general
population nowadays. Conditions like anxiety; depression may
seem trivial on the surface but have serious consequences on an
individual’s life. These disorders have shown to be detrimental
to health and hamper a person’s general well being. In severe
cases, if mental disorders go unnoticed and untreated they can
cause permanent damage to one’s personality, drive him/her to
social isolation and in worst cases compel the person to commit
suicide as a means to end their suffering. Therefore, a need for
proper detection and awareness of such diseases in a person
emerges. Mental disorders may not show physical symptoms
in a person but it is possible to find patterns in people with
a potential mental disorder and detect them with the help
of modern Machine learning techniques. In addition to this,
such methods are completely automated and non-invasive; as
a result these systems can also help continuously monitor a
person’s mental state. We propose a system that can take
various physiological signal readings from the human body as
a way to predict distress. Upon detecting a user’s distress, the
system tries to converse with the user trained by a knowledge
base of conversations of people suffering from mental disorders
and can interact with the user in a conversation-like interface as
a companion. For this we used a system consisting of BioBERT
models(separately for questions and answers) and a couple of
FCNN layers.