Recommendation framework: Improving automated collaborative filtering by trusted category
The key idea behind user user automated collaborative filtering is that it predicts item's rating
based on similar users who share the same taste by rating item similarly. Automated
collaborative filtering (acf) is proposed on a hypothesis that users with similar rating will also
have similar rating in everything. People often agree on an idea, or on a group of ideas but it is
very rare that agree on everything. So in this thesis we suggest that this is one of the main
causes behind huge noises while working with a large number of neighbors in acf. In this thesis
we are proposing a method where at the time of calculating acf we will only consider a subset
of products based on their category that we trust based on users previous ratings. Usually when
a developer has to build a recommendation system he has to start writing code from scratch
like in the early days of web development, which consumes a lot of time and development
energy so we tried to build a framework for our updated acf that provides the building blocks
for a recommendation system as APIs. By describing models of their recommender in simple
JSON format, within a few commands and using provided API support, programmers can
easily get a customizable generic service running. All the input and output communications are
done using RESTful APIs so that the system can communicate with any part of the whole