Personal information from Bangla speech signal using MFCC and GMM
Our system extracts personal information from bangla speech. Dataset that was
used consists real-life voice inputs from di erent age and gender groups. A set of
Bengali speech samples from YouTube were used as input dataset. This system is
based on basic machine learning algorithms. Mel frequency cepstral coe cient was
used to train and construct this system. While calculating gender and age detection
part, we will be using GMM to calculate the nal scores on the samples having the
MFCCs of the extracted speech samples. GMM model basically congregates some
subsets among the whole set based on probability. Along with the gender determination
process, age detection process will also be simulated using fundamental
frequency of speech. Python is the programming language used to write the coding.
Our system was successful in giving 88% accuracy for gender recognition and 75%
accuracy for age detection.