Data management platform in Digital Marketing: A new experience for Bangladesh
Today we are living in a world where technology is advancing in each second. The traditional
theories and terms for business is obsoleting and the new terms are introduced by the business
owners. The number of brands and startup companies are increasing tremendously. On the
other hand, consumers of brands are also changing based on the technology availability. The
users now want more reviews and trials of the product before purchasing them. In order to meet
the customer satisfaction and provide reviews, number of websites and apps are increasing day
by day. This is how technology and business are mixing together and touching the new heights.
Since, the consumer behavior has changed the business and brands are shifting more towards
online. To understand the consumer behavior and experience is the main factor for digital
marketing. There are a lot of platform which helps the brands to understand the consumer
experience. However, the Data Management Platform in digital marketing, can track the
audience, segment the customers into various groups, serve ads based on their preferences and
having positive impact on their buying behavior