Secure medical record sharing using blockchain and elliptic curve cryptography
Medical records contain sensitive data of a person. In our country, different organiza-
tions manage medical records in different ways. Since there is no standard procedure
for maintaining medical records, the overall treatment procedure is delayed. In this
paper, we are going to introduce a uni ed medical record blockchain system for
maintaining patient records using Ethereum so that the amount of their hassle can
be minimized and their treatment procedure can run smoothly. This system will not
only be beneffcial for our country, but also for other countries that have not adopted
a standard for sharing medical records. The principal aim of our proposed system
is to ensure authorized access of patient records as well as sharing them securely
and cost effectively when needed. In our proposed model, software design patterns
are also introduced which will help us achieve scalability, authorization of patient
records, and security of data.