Commercialization of cholbe Robi Application & Robi’s Association with A2I at Robi Axiata Limited
Robi Axiata Limited is one the well ranked; MNCs in Bangladesh for its brand image & services.
In the 1st part of this report I’ve described about the overall Telecommunications industry in Bangladesh. It shows the position of all the telecom companies & I’ve discussed about the background of Robi Axiata Limited.
After that, I’ve started describing the project I picked as my report topic which is Commercialization of “Cholbe Robi” app & Robi’s association with A2I (UDC). In This part also includes the data analysis I’ve done based on the survey responses over the selected topics.
Later on, I came up with the actual activities I’ve done during my internship period on the mentioned projects along with some basic regular works.
Lastly, I finished my study and observation I experienced during my internship. Finally, I concluded my report before that my learning & some recommendations have been mentioned.