Classi cation of magnetic configurations using machine learning algorithms
Machine learning is used to carry out e cient studies and analyses in the eld of condensed
matter physics. We propose comprehensive machine learning approaches that
would classify between magnetic structures. We propose models that are trained on
data that has been generated on 3D lattices of Heisenberg model using the physical
properties of respective magnetic structures. Models are designed based on three
types of classi cations, rst classi cation is done between topologically-protected
structures, second on non-topologically-protected structures, thirdly on all structures
collectively. To achieve this, convolutional neural network (CNN) and support
vector machine (SVM) with principle component analysis (PCA) algorithms have
been used. We then make a comparative analysis and nd the most optimal solution.
The results show that CNN provides the highest accuracy in the classi cation
of topological and non-topological magnetic con gurations.