A counseling system to predict the study path for freshmen
Now a days, dilemma related to one's career has been considered as a serious issue,
specially among fresh graduates. Starting at the age of 18, the students usually fail
to grasp the idea of which career path to pursue as they lack maturity and experience
on the matter. Moreover, students su er greatly in deciding which faculty
would result the highest bene t for them due to the insu ciency of counselors in
the pre-university education. The students do not have the su cient knowledge to
make themselves aware of the real life career related challenges, which is supported
by academic majors. It is crucial for a student to make the proper decision on
the matter of their career in order to avoid consequences that may be the result of
wrong career selection. As a result, selecting an proper career with highest bene t
has become one of the most di cult as well as challenging task for the students because
wrong career selection may lead to a work eld which was not meant for them.
This paper presents a counselling system to predict study path for the freshmen by
analyzing necessary attributes such as skills, interests, values and motivation, academic
background. Moreover, the proposed freshmen counseling system helps the
freshmen in their career choice as well as guides toward their respective appropriate
career for future. We have used several di erent approaches for modeling and prediction
such as Decision tree classi er, Random Forest, SVM, K-Nearest-Neighbors
Classi ers etc. and di erentiated between the resulting precision scores. The results
were also cross-checked which determined the best parameters that is responsible
for providing highest accuracy scores. Furthermore, some ranking algorithms were
used to generate a ranked output for the student counseling system. In this paper,
we have separated our work into di erent parts. Chapter 1 contains the overall idea
about our work. Chapter 2 contains Related Works, followed by Chapter 3, where
we have mentioned about the methodologies which we have used for the system.
After that Chapter 4 contains the implementation of the system. Next in Chapter
5 result analysis has been mentioned. Lastly, Chapter 6 ended with conclusion, our
limitations and future scopes of improvements related to our work.