Now showing items 1-10 of 24
Supply chain management in footwear industries: supply management of Apex Footwear Ltd. (Unit2)
(Brac University, 2023-04)
Footwear supply chain management typically, an industry involves a number of phases that begin with obtaining raw materials. The next step in the supply chain is to assemble the footwear using the components that were ...
Inbound to outbound logistic of Daraz Bangladesh
(Brac University, 2020-12)
E-commerce is playing a very important role in recent times. Daraz Bangladesh is a pioneer in
the e-commerce of Bangladesh. Supply chain plays a vital role in e-commerce. This report
analyses the overall supply chain ...
The challenges in establishing sustainable supply chain in Bangladesh
(BRAC Univeristy, 2015)
In the corporate sectors, sustainable supply chain is a vital issue due to the business interest.
Since 1980s it has been progressively amplified the attention of the supply chain management
when the business organization ...
Supply chain practices on FMCG products of New Zealand Dairy Products Bangladesh Ltd.
(BRAC University, 2016-03-27)
The evaluation of CSR on banks’ performance to promote sustainable banking in Bangladesh : a study on supply chain context.
(BRAC University, 2015-01)
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become a common issue for the business organizations of the world. It has become an important factor for the companies to do something good for the well being of the societies or ...
Supply chain management in pharmaceutical industries: a study on Eskayef Bangladesh Ltd.
(BRAC University, 2016-04-15)
Supply Chain Management (SCM) is the process of planning, implementing, and controlling
the operations of the supply chain with the purpose to satisfy customer requirements as
efficiently as possible. The sub-areas ...
How sustainable are benefits from extension for smallholder farmers? Evidence from a randomized phase-out of the BRAC Program in Uganda
(SSRN, 2017-03-26)
Many development programs are based on short-term interventions, either because of external funding constraints or because it is assumed that impacts persist post program termination ("sustainability"). Using a novel ...
Participation of women in procurement/supply chain profession in Bangladeshi development organizations
(BRAC University, 2016-07-16)
Although the survey findings, expert interviews and secondary data do not substantially prove that there is sufficient participation of women in procurement/supply chain profession in Bangladeshi development organizations, ...
Effective supply chain in ready made garments in Bangladesh: study on Alfa Fashion
(BRAC Univerisity, 2017-02)
A key indicator of economic development in third world developing countries like Bangladesh is garments industry. Garments play a major role for the developing countries, by improving the GDP. The Alfa Fashion is one of ...
Internship Report on Epyllion Group
(BRAC University, 2021-04)
I have created this report based on three months of work experience. I worked with multiple
departments of the Epyllion Group during this period. Through this program, I was able to gain
practical knowledge for departments ...