Now showing items 1-10 of 131
Primary education in Bangladesh: policy transfer, external influence and national ownership
(BRAC University, 2013-07)
This paper aims to explain and analyze how external influence works to transfer the policy
agenda from the international practices in the country’s primary education sector and assess
the national ownership in the context ...
Redistributive Agriculture land reforms in Bangladesh: an inquiry into constraints
(BRAC University, 2009-10)
Assessment of environmental laws in Bangladesh: a GIS based case study on brickfields of Savar
(BRAC University, 2013-03-02)
The aim of this research is to assess the environmental laws in Bangladesh, using GIS
approaches. The analysis was mainly based on recent census. The upazila is considered in
Bangladesh to be the main focal point of ...
দুর্নীতি দমন কমিশন : সংস্কার সুপারিশ
(ব্রাক বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়, 2008-01)
Top managers in secretariat and district administration- an analysis of trends
(BRAC University, 2009-08)
Institutional approach to anti-corruption: an evaluation of the Anti Corruption Commission in Bangladesh
(BRAC University, 2013-07)
The anti-corruption commission : policy note
(BRAC University, 2007-09)
An administrative perspective on birth registration as citizen's right in rural Bangladesh
(BRAC University, 2009-12-09)
Relationship between Upazila Nirbahi Officer(UNO) and Upazila Chairmen(UZC): study on two(2) upazila parishad
(BRAC University, 2013-03)
Upazila Parishad is an important local government institution for rural development and socioeconomic
empowerment of the country, but a significant number of the Upazila Parishads(UZP)
failed to run effectively due to ...
E-governance for good governance through public service delivery: an assessment of district e-service centres in Bangladesh
(BRAC University, 2013-02)
E-governance is widely accepted as an effective tool of service delivery and equated with
good governance by all developed countries in general and developing countries like
Bangladesh in particular. The purpose of this ...