Now showing items 1-10 of 81
গ্রামীণ সমাজে নৈতিক অবক্ষয়ে অর্থনৈতিক ও রাজনৈতিক ক্ষমতা কাঠামো পুনর্বিন্যাসের প্রভাব: একটি বিশ্লেষণ
(বাংলাদেশ উন্নয়ন সমীক্ষা, 2018)
গ্রামীণ সমাজে এখন যে ক্রান্তিকাল চলছে সেটি বাংলাদেশের ইতিহাসে নজিরবিহীন, অভূতপূর্ব। বাংলার গ্রামীণ সমাজে অর্থের এতটা অন্তর্মুখী সরবরাহ হাজার বছরের ইতিহাসে এই প্রথম এবং বর্তমান লক্ষণগুলো এরই নানামুখী পার্শ্বপ্রতিক্রিয়া ...
Community health workers as agents of change: Negotiating pathways of empowerment
(BRAC Institute of Governance and Development (BIGD), 2016-09)
In Bangladesh, health and family planning programs were the first major employers of rural women in outside paid work. Thus, women community health workers became the pioneers in bringing rural women into outside formal ...
Envoy Textiles Limited: A drive to green transition
(Brac University, 2022-04)
Envoy Textiles Limited (ETL) is one of Bangladesh's rising green textile factories and was the
world's first LEED Platinum textile denim manufacturer in 2016. In 2021, ETL exported
45,509,446 tonnes of yarn, fabric, ...
Building social capital for the ultra poor: Challenges and achievements
(BRAC Research and Evaluation Division, 2005-03)
BRAC introduced a program designed to meet the special needs of the extreme poor called Challenging the Frontier of Poverty Reduction: Targeting Ultra Poor (TUP) program in 2002. The program consists of economic and health ...
Impact assessment of CFPR/TUP: A descriptive analysis based on 2002-2005 panel data
(BRAC Research and Evaluation Division and Aga Khan Foundation Canada, 2006-07)
The paper sets out to explore the achievements of civil society in the area of poverty reduction. The focus is mainly on three domains (1) Advocacy, (2) Policy Change, and (3) Service Delivery. Three case studies illustrate ...
How sustainable is the gain in food consumption of the CFPR/TUP beneficiaries?
(BRAC Research and Evaluation Division and Aga Khan Foundation Canada, 2007-10)
Despite some remarkable improvements in nutritional status, malnutrition in Bangladesh is still highly prevalent, especially among the poorest. A number of initiatives are taking place that address the food intake of the ...
Targeting effectiveness of CFPR/TUP in scale-Up environment
(BRAC Research and Evaluation Division and Aga Khan Foundation Canada, 2006-02)
Effective targeting is a hallmark of the BRAC’s CFPR/TUP program. Like many other targeted programs, CFPR/TUP combines a number of targeting methods. Launched in 2002, this program has scaled up in 2005. Despite this scaling ...
Analysis of entrepreneurial intention among students in business schools of Bangladesh
(International Journal of Management and Business Studies, 2018-01)
The entrepreneurial intention is a state of mind directing a person’s
attention and action towards self-employment as opposed to
organizational employment. People with higher entrepreneurial
intention have a higher ...
Health domain of the ultra poor: An exploration
(BRAC Research and Evaluation Division and Aga Khan Foundation Canada, 2004-10)
There has been an increasing amount of materials surrounding health-seeking behaviour in recent years. However, a relatively small proportion of literature has focused upon health behaviours and types of health services ...
Does wealth increase affect school enrolment in ultra-poor households: Evidence from an experiment in Bangladesh
(Practical Action Publishing, 2015-06)
Access to education is usually found to be highly correlated with household income and wealth. This correlation often instigates an expectation that increasing income of the poor households will lead to greater human capital ...