Now showing items 1-10 of 110
গ্রামীণ সমাজে নৈতিক অবক্ষয়ে অর্থনৈতিক ও রাজনৈতিক ক্ষমতা কাঠামো পুনর্বিন্যাসের প্রভাব: একটি বিশ্লেষণ
(বাংলাদেশ উন্নয়ন সমীক্ষা, 2018)
গ্রামীণ সমাজে এখন যে ক্রান্তিকাল চলছে সেটি বাংলাদেশের ইতিহাসে নজিরবিহীন, অভূতপূর্ব। বাংলার গ্রামীণ সমাজে অর্থের এতটা অন্তর্মুখী সরবরাহ হাজার বছরের ইতিহাসে এই প্রথম এবং বর্তমান লক্ষণগুলো এরই নানামুখী পার্শ্বপ্রতিক্রিয়া ...
Factors affecting early grade educational attainment: Evidence from South Sudan
(Science Direct, 2019-03)
Decades of conflict have left a majority of the South Sudanese population lacking basic educational skills. Using data from newly enrolled first graders in BRAC Non-Formal Schools, this study explores the current level of ...
Assessing the water quality of canals in Dhaka city, Bangladesh
(Scientific and Academic Publishing, 2020-09-15)
Environmental degradation related to hazardous pollutants from economic activity became a major concern in many rapidly developing mega cities of the global South. In this study, the level of selected parameters (pH, TDS, ...
Security and development - are they two sides of the same coin? Investigating India's two-pronged policy towards left wing extremism
In this article, I investigate India's two-pronged policy approach, which combines security and development intervention to address the root cause and symptoms of left wing extremism. While the two policy sets are meant ...
Do key performance indicators matter on public procurement rules 2008? an empirical study on Local Government Engineering Department, Bangladesh
This study focuses on the importance of transparency and accountability of Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)’s procurement performance based on 45 predetermined Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). The main ...
Openings and resistances: Women in the Bangladesh Civil Service
(Routledge, 2016)
Over the past decades, women’s labor force participation (LFP) rate has risen from 26.1 percent in 2002/2003 to 36 percent in 2010. While employment is an important aspect of women’s empowerment and of national development, ...
Analysis of entrepreneurial intention among students in business schools of Bangladesh
(International Journal of Management and Business Studies, 2018-01)
The entrepreneurial intention is a state of mind directing a person’s
attention and action towards self-employment as opposed to
organizational employment. People with higher entrepreneurial
intention have a higher ...
Does wealth increase affect school enrolment in ultra-poor households: Evidence from an experiment in Bangladesh
(Practical Action Publishing, 2015-06)
Access to education is usually found to be highly correlated with household income and wealth. This correlation often instigates an expectation that increasing income of the poor households will lead to greater human capital ...
A good mix against ultra-poverty? Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) in Bangladesh
(Wiley Online Library, 2021-07-13)
Published in the Review of Developmental Economics, the existing evidence from the article shows that programs that provide grants to productive assets along with training to very poor women increase labor supply, earnings, ...
Moral hazard: Experimental evidence from tenancy contracts
(Oxford Academic, 2018)
Agricultural productivity is particularly low in developing countries. Output-sharing rules that make farmers less-than-full residual claimants are seen as a potentially important driver of low agricultural productivity. ...