Now showing items 1-10 of 284
Supplier relationship management in public procurement of Bangladesh: the case of Information and communication Technology (ICT) division
(Brac University, 2022-08)
The Public Procurement Act, 2006 and the Public Procurement Rules, 2008 have laid down impartial, unrestricted, and nondiscriminatory provisions for the public procurement of Bangladesh through open competition among ...
Exploring MNCs supply chain challenges in the bottom of the Pyramid (BoP) market
(Brac University, 2020-04)
The objective of this study is to understand and explore the development and practice of environmental management, precisely in terms of supply chain management in food industry of Bangladesh. The results of this study ...
Supply chain management in footwear industries: supply management of Apex Footwear Ltd. (Unit2)
(Brac University, 2023-04)
Footwear supply chain management typically, an industry involves a number of phases that begin with obtaining raw materials. The next step in the supply chain is to assemble the footwear using the components that were ...
Women migration in Bangladesh: returnee migrants and re-migration challenges during COVID-19
(Brac University, 2021-12)
In Bangladesh, women mostly migrate as unskilled domestic worker and a small number of semi-skilled and skilled women workers migrate to other work sectors. Unskilled migrant workers face vulnerability during any crisis ...
Assessing the water quality of canals in Dhaka city, Bangladesh
(Scientific and Academic Publishing, 2020-09-15)
Environmental degradation related to hazardous pollutants from economic activity became a major concern in many rapidly developing mega cities of the global South. In this study, the level of selected parameters (pH, TDS, ...
Public procurement practices in Noakhali District administration
(Brac University, 2020-06)
District Administration plays an important role as field administration in Bangladesh which ultimately represents the central government and act as a coordinator of various development activities of government. Every year ...
Envoy Textiles Limited: A drive to green transition
(Brac University, 2022-04)
Envoy Textiles Limited (ETL) is one of Bangladesh's rising green textile factories and was the
world's first LEED Platinum textile denim manufacturer in 2016. In 2021, ETL exported
45,509,446 tonnes of yarn, fabric, ...
Marma Composite Ltd. apparel merchandising
(Brac University, 2021-06)
This report is on Apparel Merchandising. The objective of this internship is learning practical
things of industry and practice what we have learned in class room. As the classroom
discussion cannot give a complete ...
Dipta Garments Limited. (DIRD Group) HRM & Compliance, Production, IE, Merchandising and Commercial
(Brac University, 2021-05)
My internship program is from 6
th February, 2021 to 6
th May, 2021 and covered 576 hours. In this time I
have gathered practical idea about different department & factory of Dipta Garments Ltd. It is one of the
largest ...
Supply Chain Management System of Joint Venture Medical Industry (JMI) Group
(Brac University, 2021-08)
Joint Venture Medical Industry (JMI Group) is the most inspiring and fast developing companies
in Bangladesh. The first name of JMI Group is JMI Bangla Company Ltd (later it was renamed as
JMI Syringes & Medical Devices ...