Now showing items 1-10 of 10
Does paid work provide a pathway to women’s empowerment? Empirical findings from Bangladesh
(Institute of Development Studies, 2011-09)
The debate about the relationship between paid work and women’s position within the family and society is a long-standing one. Some argue that women’s integration into the market is the key to their empowerment while others ...
Cultural norms, economic incentives and women’s labour market behaviour: Empirical insights from Bangladesh
(Taylor & Francis, 2017-11-12)
This paper sets out to explore a seeming puzzle in the context of Bangladesh. There is a considerable body of evidence from the country pointing to the positive impact of paid work on women’s position within family and ...
Material barriers, cultural boundaries: A mixed-methods analysis of gender and labour market segmentation in Bangladesh
(UNU-WIDER, 2021)
The research was published as a UNU-WIDER Working Paper. Data on female labour force participation in Bangladesh suggest that, despite the increase in female-intensive employment opportunities through microfinance, export ...
Does paid work provide a pathway to women’s empowerment? empirical findings from Bangladesh
(Institute of Development Studies, 2011-09)
The debate about the relationship between paid work and women’s position within the family and society is a long-standing one. Some argue that women’s integration into the market is the key to their empowerment while others ...
Paradigm shift or business as usual? workers’ views on multi-stakeholder initiatives in Bangladesh
(Wiley Online Library, 2020-02-24)
The scale of the tragedy at Rana Plaza in Bangladesh, in which more than 1,000 garment factory workers died when the building collapsed in April 2013, galvanized a range of stakeholders to take action to prevent future ...
Multi-Stakeholder initiatives in Bangladesh after Rana Plaza: Global norms and workers’ perspectives
(BRAC Institute of Governance and Development (BIGD), 2019-01)
The collapse of the Rana Plaza building in Bangladesh in April, 2013 resulting in the death and injury of more than 2,000 workers from the country’s export garment industry was one of the worst industrial disasters in ...
Diverging Stories of “Missing Women” in South Asia: Is Son Preference Weakening in Bangladesh?
ABSTRACT: South Asia is a region characterized by a culture of son preference, severe discrimination against daughters, and excess levels of female mortality, leading to what Amartya Sen called the phenomenon of “missing ...
The contested relationship between paid work and women’s empowerment: Empirical analysis from Bangladesh
(Springer Link, 2018-04-01)
The debate about the empowerment potential of women’s access to labour market opportunities is a long-standing one but it has taken on fresh lease of life with the increased feminization of paid work in the context of ...
Livelihood transitions of women workers during COVID-19: The case of domestic workers in Dhaka
(BIGD, 2021-12-12)
The paper draws on primary research into the conditions of domestic workers in Bangladesh and how they coped with the shocks and disruptions associated with COVID-19. We can see our research as a lens to view the lives and ...
Livelihood transitions and coping with shocks: Women in the Ready-Made Garment (RMG) sector coping with COVID-19
(BIGD, 2022-01-03)
This paper examines in detail the experiences of a small group of workers from the export-oriented ready-made garment (RMG) industry in Bangladesh and how they coped with the shocks and disruptions associated with COVID-19. ...