Now showing items 1-6 of 6

    • Cheaper, cleaner power: De-risking as an anti-collusion strategy in Bangladesh 

      Khan, Mushtaq; Matin, Maria; Zahan, Iffat; Ashraf, Zeeshan; Ajefu, Joseph (ACE SOAS Consortium, 2020-06)
      Collusive contracting with private power plants in Bangladesh has resulted in high power prices that cost the taxpayer around US$1 billion a year in subsidies, as well as the selection of environmentally damaging fuels and ...
    • De-risking private power in Bangladesh: How financing design can stop collusive contracting 

      Khan, Mushtaq; Watkins, Mitchell; Zahan, Iffat (Elsevier, 2022-09)
      Collusive contracting with private power plants in Bangladesh has resulted in high power prices that cost the taxpayer around U$1 billion in subsidies. The main driver of collusive contracting is the unwillingness of ...
    • Digital Literacy of Rural Households in Bangladesh 

      Shadat, Md. Wasel Bin; Islam, Md. Saiful; Zahan, Iffat; Matin, Maria (BRAC Institute of Governance and Development (BIGD), 2020-12)
      As more public and private sector services are being digitized to make them more accessible to citizens, digital literacy is becoming an increasingly essential skill needed to reap the fullest benefits from these services. ...
    • Internal migration as a coping mechanism to natural disaster: Evidence from southern Bangladesh 

      Matin, Maria; Zahan, Iffat; Rabbani, Atonu (BRAC Institute of Governance and Development (BIGD), 2017-04)
      The study focuses on the impact of exposure to a natural disaster on migration. Here, we focus on a very specific type of migration where the households send household member(s) outside the community for earning purposes. ...
    • The long run relationship between population growth and economic growth: Empirical evidence from Bangladesh 

      Zahan, Iffat (BRAC Institute of Governance and Development (BIGD), 2016-09)
      Does population growth induce or depress economic growth? Or, does economic growth encourage or discourage population growth? This is a long-existing debate which has sustained throughout the centuries. This paper investigates ...
    • The State of Governance Bangladesh 2016: regulation process performance 

      Rahman, Sultan Hafeez; Abdallah, Wahid; Enam, Ahmed Asif; Ferdous, Nahid; Rahman, Muhammad Ashikur; Rashid, Md. Harun-Or-; Razzaque, Farhana; Uddin, Mohammed Misbah; Zahan, Iffat; Zaman, Nabila; Zillur, Kaneta (BRAC Univeristy, 2016)
      BRAC Institute of Governance and Development (BIGD) has been publishing the State of Governance (SOG) Report since 2006. This year, the SOG has focused on four kinds of governance: Democratic Governance, Public Sector ...