Impact of training program on awareness and practice of computer ergonomics among academic staff
Computer Ergonomics is the practice of setting up the computer and the work space according to the user’s comfort and work need. This set up is usually practiced to reduce physical stress on the user. The purpose of this program was to raise awareness about Computer Ergonomics in order to increase the practice of proper computer and workspace usage among academic staff at different universities.
This internship report is based on the program “Impact of Training Program on Awareness and Practice of Computer Ergonomics among Academic Staff” funded by the Center for Research and Training, East West University and conducted by three faculty members of the Department of Social Relations. This program has been supervised by Ms. Rubayat Kabir, the principal researcher of this program. The period of this internship was from March 1, 2018 to May 31, 2018.
I worked as a Trainer of the program. During this time, I was assigned to explain the program and provide first had training to the participating academic staffs. I was also involved with the data collection and data entry of the survey taken during this program. I got the chance to interact with the academic staff of different universities and study more about their work environment. This program has taught me a lot about Computer Ergonomics and most importantly about how research works are conducted.
With my best effort and knowledge, I have tried to present the information in a comprehensive manner.