Cultivation of exotic crops using greenhouse automation
In the current world the system of automation is the era defining technology, the
vision of our future and will cause the next manufacturing revolution. The
automation systems are taking over the tedious work load to ease the burdens of
their owners as these systems are able to detect, analyze, notify and control the
atmosphere around it accordingly. These fantasies of a smarter planet where smart
systems can do the hum drum routine jobs for the humanity and bring the ethical
peace of working in our overall system is being developed bit by bit. And when it
comes to an important factor, like agriculture, if the automation system is applied
successfully in the area, it can boom the growth of the crops. In this paper, we are
representing the idea that we can boost the growth of crops by manipulating the
environmental parameters responsible for the growth of plants by designing an
automated greenhouse. Moreover, our aim is to go one step further than just
creating an automated greenhouse. As the environmental parameters decide what
crops and plants grow in an area and if we successfully control all the
environmental parameters then we can not only grow the crops or trees indigenous
to that area but also, we will grow any crops we want in any area. That means we
can grow green crops in the middle of a desert or even we can grow exotic crops.
Thus, in a nutshell, the purpose of this automation system is to influence the
environmental parameters to help in cultivating all kinds of crops. The system is
designed with three primitives of robotics: sense, plan, and act. Developing
countries like ours can be developed if we can apply this automated system for