Smart fare system for CNG
The fare system of CNGs of our country is very unfair most of the times. Drivers do not follow
the proper way and harass the customers. As a solution we came up with an idea which will help
the customers to travel as they always have, but will not pay the fare in cash. Instead of paying in
cash they will use a smart card to pay the fare. The smart card is mainly a RFID card which
works based on Radio Frequency. Moreover, to avoid unpleasantness for the driver, he can also
use his very own smart card (RFID) to pay his bill at the gas station. We are using a database to
store all the information of our drivers and customers. Database saves the information and
updates all of them according to every trip that vehicle makes. Every single driver and customer
will have their own specific smart RFID card. While traveling we will measure the distance and
set a fare for the customers to pay using the fare calculation system. The customer pays the fare
by swiping the RFID card. It will be automatically updated in their database. To measure the
distance we are taking the help of Google Map API. Start location and end location will be
verified by a GPS tracker. RFID card is not very popular in our country though it is being used
by the different people of the country to ensure some security services.