Now showing items 1-10 of 10
Segmentation free Bangla OCR using HMM: Training and recognition
(BRAC University, 2007)
The wide area of the application of HMM is in Speech Recognition where each spoken word
is considered as a single unit to be recognized from the trained word network. Using this concept some research has been done for ...
Skew angle detection of bangla script using radon transform
(BRAC University, 2006)
Skew angle detection and correction an integral part of any OCR system. Without proper skew correction, the performance of an OCR will simply not be acceptable
for most scanned images. We propose an innovative method for ...
Text normalization system for Bangla
(BRAC University, 2008)
This paper describes a process of text normalization system of Bangla language (exonym: Bengali) by identifying the
semiotic classes from Bangla text corpus. After identifying the semiotic classes a set of rules were ...
Skew angle detection of bangla script using radon transform
(BRAC University, 2006)
Skew angle detection and correction an integral part of any OCR system. Without proper skew correction, the performance of an OCR will simply not be acceptable for most scanned images. We propose an innovative method for ...
A high performance domain specific OCR for Bangla script
(BRAC University, 2007)
Research on recognizing Bengali script has been started since mid 1980’s. A variety of different techniques have been applied and the performance is examined. In this paper we present a high performance domain specific OCR ...
Acoustic analysis of Bangla consonants
(BRAC University, 2008)
This paper describes the acoustic characteristics of Bangla consonants, obtained by analyzing the recordings of male
and female voices. First, the duration of each phoneme was identified by averaging both the male and ...
Acoustic analysis of Bangla vowel inventory
(BRAC University, 2008)
This paper describes the acoustic characteristics of Bangla vowels, obtained by analyzing the recordings of male and female voices. First, the duration of each phoneme was identified by averaging both the male and female ...
Acoutstic analysis of Bangla consonants
(BRAC University, 2008)
This paper describes the acoustic characteristics of Bangla consonants, obtained by analyzing the recordings of male
and female voices. First, the duration of each phoneme was identified by averaging both the male and ...
A high performance domain specific OCR for Bangla script
(BRAC University, 2008)
Abstract-Research on recognizing Bengali script has been started since mid 1980’s. A variety of different techniques have been applied and the performance is examined. In this paper we present a high performance domain ...
Development of annotated Bangla speech corpora
(BRAC University, 2010)
This paper describes the development procedure of three different Bangla read speech corpora which can be used for
phonetic research and developing speech applications. Several criteria were maintained in the corpora ...