Now showing items 21-30 of 51
Developing a computational grammar for Bengali using the HPSG formalism
(BRAC University, 2006)
This paper describes the first phase of developing a computational grammar for Bengali using the Head- Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG) formalism.
The HPSG formalism is a highly developed framework that combines ...
N-gram based statistical grammar checker for Bangla and English
(Center for research on Bangla language processing (CRBLP), BRAC University, 2006)
This paper describes a statistical grammar
checker, which considers the n-gram based analysis of words and POS tags to decide whether the sentence is grammatically correct or not. We employed this technique for both Bangla ...
Collaborative lexicon development for Bangla
(BRAC University, 2006)
This paper addresses the issue of building a Bangla lexicon with a collaborative effort through stand alone application and web based interface. The words in the lexicon will be annotated with a combination of tags addressing ...
Comparion of different POS tagging technique (N-Gram, HMM and Brill's tagger) for Bangla
(BRAC University, 2006)
There are different approaches to the problem of assigning each word of a text with a parts-of-speech
tag, which is known as Part-Of-Speech (POS) tagging. In this paper we compare the performance of a few POS tagging ...
Minimally segmenting performance Bangla optical character recognition using Kohonen network
(BRAC University, 2006)
This paper presents a method to use Kohonen
neural network based classifier in Bangla Optical Character Recognition (OCR) system, providing much higher performance than the traditional neural network based ones. It describes ...
Isolated and continuous bangla speech recognition: implementation, performance and application perspective
(BRAC University, 2007)
Research on automatic speech recognition has been approach progressively since 1930 and the major advances are since 1980 with
the introduction of the statistical modeling of speech with the key technology Hidden Markov ...
Skew angle detection of bangla script using radon transform
(BRAC University, 2006)
Skew angle detection and correction an integral part of any OCR system. Without proper skew correction, the performance of an OCR will simply not be acceptable for most scanned images. We propose an innovative method for ...
A Bangla phonetic encoding for better spelling suggesions
(BRAC University, 2004)
We present a phonetic encoding for Bangla that can be used by spelling checkers to provide better suggestions for misspelled words. The encoding is based on the Soundex
algorithm, modified to match Bangla phonetics. We ...
A high performance domain specific OCR for Bangla script
(BRAC University, 2007)
Research on recognizing Bengali script has been started since mid 1980’s. A variety of different techniques have been applied and the performance is examined. In this paper we present a high performance domain specific OCR ...
A comprehensive Bangla spelling checker
(BRAC University, 2006)
We present a comprehensive Bangla spelling
checker that improves the quality of suggestions for misspelled words. The complex rules for Bangla spelling presents a significant challenge in producing suggestions for a ...