Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Building a foundation of HPSG-based treebank on Bangla language 

      Mahmud, Altaf; Khan, Mumit (BRAC University, 2007)
      Now a day, the importance of a large annotated corpus for NLP researchers is widely known. In this paper, we describe an initial phase of developing a linguistically annotated corpus for non-configurational ‘Bangla’ language. ...
    • Detecting flames and insults in text 

      Mahmud, Altaf; Ahmed, Kazi Zubair; Khan, Mumit (BRAC University, 2008-12)
      While the internet has become the leading source of information, it is also become the medium for flames, insults and other forms of abusive language, which add nothing to the quality of information available. A human ...
    • Research report on Bengla tagset 

      Mahmud, Altaf; Khan, Mumit (BRAC University, 2007)
      This report describes the design of a POS tagset for Bangla, based on the Penn Treebank design. The resulting tagset contains 53 morpho-syntactic tags.
    • Syntactic part of speech tagging guidelines for Bangla text 

      Mahmud, Altaf; Khan, Mumit (BRAC University, 2009)
      Recently, several techniques have been tested to automatically assign part-of-speeches to Bangla texts using different tag sets. But there is always a need for a standard tagset for Bangla that has been formally published ...